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This is probably my favorite game of the game jam. I absolutely LOVE the soundtrack, especially once it picks up in the late game. The art is super cute, and the gameplay is among the most unique and well executed of the games I've played so far. I especially love the score multiplier mechanic, I just wish it was indicated somewhere how it actually worked. I almost didn't see it entirely and once I did it took a bit to figure out how it worked.  Also, the leaderboard seems buggy, and won't let me save my name or score. Overall, very very well done to everyone involved, and best of luck!


Thanks a lot for all the compliments ! Unfortunately the leaderboard will save your name only if your registered it before playing, I didn't have time to fix that. But I'll put your score manually no problem !

And wow what a highscore do you have !


Your highscore!!!!! :OOOOOO  Thank you so much for your lovely comment!