When looking at a machine, the window at the bottom left corner of the screen will tell you the ID of the machines it is connected to.
One idea I have about the landscape issue is I could add a bunch of bricks or iron blocks to the lunar lander at the start of the game so you can build platforms or buildings for your machines right away without having to worry about setting up brick production.
I think what you're talking about here is the need to put an item into a storage container or remove the item to turn the item detector on and off?
So, what you're looking for is something like the levers in minecraft, a logic block that functions as a simple ON/OFF switch?
I think I am going to resume development of the game. It has been over a year since I last worked on it so I am a little rusty. I would like to put together a concrete list of things to work on. So far what I have gathered from this thread is the following:
1. An option to pause the in-game tutorial videos.
2. A logic block ON/OFF switch.
3. Some method of manually changing machine interconnections.