This game's gameplay is really great and visual looking is very good, I also love the "AI Director" used here to determine whether you need ammo, health or energy the most by destroying robots, and robots can keep spawning at certain amount to have your resources replenished so that you don't really screw up when you're lost to find key and the escape door.
I guess this game also utilised the procedural generation as well? Because I notice my spawn point is always different when starts a new game, I have lost 2 times and finally get to the end in my third try. I have no comment on stealth aspect though, as I usually the guy who likes to go combat whenever there's weapon and got a plenty of ammo, unless the game design in a way that you don't really get much resources to combat so I can go stealth.
Also, the pick up resources sound reminds me of the empyrion galactic survival. :)