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(5 edits) (+10)

You're not weak hun. It doesn't make you weak to leave a man that doesn't respect you. If anything, it's your strength that allows you to stand up for yourself. If I believed in god like I used to, I don't think he'd blame you, or consider you weak. 

If anything the ex hubby is weak because he doesn't want to try understanding you and he doesn't want  to put the effort in for compromises when you both don't agree on something.

There's no point fighting for a marriage if only one person is willing to put the effort into it.

It takes two to make a marriage work not one person.

Anyway I'm really looking forward to you game! I loved the Legend of the winged ones or whatever it was called.  Can't wait for this one to come out.

Vn's are a lot of work so I've learned, but keep it up!  Mine got cancelled  because I couldn't handle the pressure of leading the project and I sucked at outlines and I can never write something and finish it unless it's a short story lol

Thank you, princessbarb21 Q_Q
I wish things can turn for the better, but yes, as you said, it takes two. I still feel bad for my mom and uncle who represented my dad during my wedding... but at the same time, I'm grateful that my mom took it very well (my mom said she'll tell uncle at New Year). I guess when the relatives visited me and she heard the contradictions, it helped to know where the problem lies. It's not just my ex-husband, it's also my mom-in-law unfortunately :')

Oh well, what's done is done! I'm just glad I have people who'd lend me an ear and support ^///^
Thanks again, princessbarb21! I will do my best with Bermuda and I hope to meet your expectations! >< 

In my case, I'm learning how to make shorter stories because I have a tendecy to make long paragraphs to describe this and that ^^; which can be too long/unnecessary *sweats

(2 edits)

Yeah  she is to blame too,  but honestly  he should have told her off for putting so much pressure on you.   I hope you're doing better than you were.   I'm glad you have a healthy  outlet for  everything that's been going on. ;D

Lol yeah visual novels don't need descriptions like novels do.

I've been trying to write  a novel or vn for years and never succeeded yet. I always get so far then get stuck, unable to continue.  I've never been able to get pass writers block and give up ever time I get stuck.  I have so many unfinished stories it's almost funny.

So I admire those that have the discipline to keep writing. 

Don't put too much pressure on yourself though, expectation  is what can lead people  to being under  a lot of stress.  It's how I set myself up for disappointment  when I expect too much out of myself, every time.  

Thank you, princessbarb21 ^///^

Oh, I have some tips for that!
Usually, I would write short summaries of events from the beginning to end before I decide to write a {i}whole{/i} story. For example: 
- A farmer's introduction/daily life (beginning) >>> meets someone hurt in the forest (complication/trouble)>>> takes care he/she, turns out they have amnesia! >>> funny moments when they tried to help with chores >>> more funny/intimate moments >>>  a knight suddenly posted on the village's bulletin board that the King is looking for his illegitimate prince/princess! (more complication/trouble) >>> the farmer is worried because the description matched the amnesiac guest in his house >>>explained to the guest but he didn't want to go to the castle, comfortable living there with the farmer >>> the knights found them anyway and the farmer got arrested >>> the amnesiac prince/princess came to the rescue & recover their memories when they took a hit for the farmer>>> the prince/princess announced to renounce their position as royal heir to live happily ever after with the farmer

Whoa, that took longer than I expected, but you get the gist x'D
Make a skeleton first before you flesh it out!

You can also slowly explore the facts/re-read the plot to improve them :'3 
I hope it helps. I know too well about writer's block, but all I can say for that is... just do it and push your way through :'D (If needed, with force. You can always come back to polish it lol). I think it's different for every writer, but I believe when there's a will, there's a way!

But you're right, take your time and walk with your own pace. Don't overexert yourself, watch a movie/read a novel. Inspiration takes time and it often appears at strange places~ 


Thank you, very much appreciated.   

  That example is similar   to a outline.   Next time I'm inspired I'll try switching up my outline method. ;D