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The doctor said the surgery was experimental and she wasn't even sure it would work. If things changed below the belt I would raise an eyebrow, but it's not that unbelievable that top surgery couldn't exist yet. It's not that hard to remove breast tissue.


I probably overlooked that. I always associate the term "experimental" in surgeries with cancer, life-threatening injuries or congenital issues.

Though, there is a small issue *coughs and hums* that must be noticed even if we ignore the primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Unless male and female foxes just happen to have the same pitch of voices.

With all this said, that doesn't makes my dissapointment smaller. What is done, is done, since it was the writer's prerrogative after all.


Testosterone usage generally started in the late 1930's, but even without that, voice training has been done for a very long time.

Overall I think it's sad that some lgbtq members still don't accept trans people but oh well


Oh, so I don't have the right to be dissapointed, then? It's more of a personal preferences thing, than anything else.

Hiro still has appeal from a narrative standpoint, if anything.


Okay... If it is in fact a personal preference then why criticize the game if it is assumingly your problem? Transgender people have existed throughout history before and alongside the inventions of surgeries and medicine. Another reply to a similar comment like yours explained the history of mastectomies so I do hope you look more into it.


you don't have to like anyone or anything, but you are being transphobic. it's very much rude to complain about the physical attributes of a person or in this case a character. and just because this is an NSFW project, doesn't mean every character has to be appealing to everyone reading. believe it or not there are plenty of people who would take interest in stories featuring trans men but can't find it anywhere because of backlash like this.

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Since when lack of interest/dissapointment means hatred? Or is ceaseless praise the only input allowed here?

If you enjoy the route as it is, good for you and anyone who thinks that way. But I came in hoping for a M/M VN, so my expectations kinda deflated on this route. If it were a side route with a side character (like the skunk woman seems to be) I wouldn't have the slightest issue except the odd irk about dates. Mind you, I even find some of the (actual) guys (namely Mark and Etienne) not much of my liking.

Also, there's nothing inherently wrong on putting a character like Hiro in stage. But I must repeat myself, why, of all reasons, his route was set at the height of the militaristic Imperial Japan era. The goddamn 30s, for crying out loud. While not impossible, is REALLY improbable. Every other character has a realistic background, except Hiro.

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First of all, trans men are men, this is M/M. Also, you say you would be okay if it was Simone or some of the other guys you are not that interested but Hiro not being born with a penis is the only one you made a fuss over. I said before you don't have to like anyone, even I'm not that interested in most of the characters  actually, doesn't mean it's okay to body shame them like you are trying to do with Hiro.

And "(actual) guys" is a blatant transphobe statement. The whole "really unlikely" argument you are going for is clearly just an excuse you are using to justify your bias. The fact that they are animals doesn't seem to bother you in spite of it being much less possible. Gabriel, also doesn't have the standard set of genitalia. Your "disappointment" is full of contradictions.

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Also weird to get hung up on "historical accuracy" specifically for trans people when AIDS still exists somehow in Gabe's route. HIV first appeared due to humans coming into contact with a virus in chimpanzee blood. The fact that the same disease with the same name would develop in an entirely anthro world doesn't really "make sense" either, but it doesn't really matter.

This game is based on real-world history and is using actual historical events to inform the character's cultures and lives, but it's still a fictionalized version of history that has taken liberties when it wants/needs to. So even if trans people didn't exist back then (and they definitely did) the "historical accuracy" argument doesn't hold much water.