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Thanks for the lengthy feedback as usual Tomo

The manual critter catching is supposed to be VERY hard as it is a free action, costing no time nor stamina, you are supposed to use the bug net for land critters, for water critters we will eventually add a fishing spear, lobsters and mud lurker crabs are very valuable ingredients, so they can't be too easy to grab. (we are adding the butchering table to extra meat from them very soon)

All critters spawn in specific biomes, look closely to Cave, Beach, Cliff and Flower Fields, there are many critters there that you cannot find in grassland. 

Fish, clams, shells and algae are being worked on, as well as the fishing rod.

The clover field will be a magical anomaly, we will improve it in the exploration update and make it very obvious.

Terrain transition is almost impossible to fix without a lengthy overhaul of our biome system, so it will probably not change, we will add more props, stuff like cat tails, lotus and smaller rocks will help disguise the blandness of the river area.

The buttons stay pressed if they are a toggle button, we fixed the highlight on them.

we already made it so the windlines stop before a wall if they detect a collision, can you show a screenshot of the clipping so we can fix?

I'll see if I manage to catch it clipping.


So heres the second part, from 18.35 to  19.13. Overall spent maybe 1.5h this DD, just to give an Idea on when I ran out of Stuff to do.

Loading works well, I didn't test it last DD, but thats good to see. The initial Screen it loaded in was full of Butterflies and swaying flowers/Grass, build a nice Scene. But that fell apart after looking it at too long, thanks to your harsh transitions, pretty much fully vertical Cliffs and so on.

The new shiny species discovered THing is really really nice. As are the puffles flying along. As generic and bland as the butterfly locations and movement patterns look with them just seemingly spawning at random in their Biome and flying around in a small Area, as fun was seeing a herd of those furballs flow along with the Wind. Don't know if that was just an accident or not, but it was really nice. 

Your numbers are still nonsensical. I followed a pretty straight, boring and unimaginative cavepath up to some Bushes, and picked up I think 300g of Berries? I think I recall you using grams for everything. So before that I gathered 13.000 grams of woodplanks? Thats just super nonsensical, just give me 20 Planks or something.

Again, I had to sleep 3 full days to restore 1 Stamina bar. I think I recall it being something about not eating anything, but its never explained anywhere, and there just isn't really anything to do that would lead into naturally feeling like cooking something up as of yet. Also I'd much rather cook in my own Kitchen then in a giant restaurant one, even if there is noone in the Restaurant, or seemingly the entire Town.

Had another one of your Windparticles clip through a Pillar near the Bell, then into the Town wall. Didn't manage to catch that on a screenshot, sorry.

Some terrain pieces in the Town don't align properly, next to the woodcart, allows me to se through the Floor.

Your scything also doesn't actually cut any Plants, it just shrinks them. So when you scythe close to the border of cut/uncut plants, you can visibly see them shrinking instead of being cut/disappearing, ending with half height flowers there. Looks super odd and immersion breaking.

Found a small beach by accident, which again is super flat and empty, but thats still most of the Game. Realized you had 'godrays' and volumetric light through the Castlewalls. Nice, but neither needed nor currently looking very well. Seems to just add in lighter/darker bands onto everything, based on klook direction etc. causing the Sky aorund the battlements(?) to be darker, kind of like they cast a shadow on the Sky itself. Which is nonsense obviously.  Also noticed there that some of your Textures really aren't fitting well. The Terrain textures themselves are nice overall, some like the rocks tile to obviously/small, but thats just an issue of big empty cliff faces everywhere, not a texture one. All the Artificial ones, wood for the Shelfs, the Elevator(?) And so on, the Metal, etc. look more like placeholder objects then anything.

Your HUD hides the Cooking etc. Windows, which pop up underneath it. If anything they should pop above it.

And again, if you're going for some kind of comfy farming/living sim thing, Your cooking interface goes heavily against that. I got lost in the City as always, but found a Steamer, so decided to steam something to eat. After figuring out how to just put anything in, instead of making steamed buns or something, I wanted to steam me some blueberries and bambooshots, since thats all I had. But telling me I need between 5000 and 100g, with 100-95% mass, that can only contain these Tags, which then obviously opens an Inventory with a Tag: !Liquid" !Melts" type window, which is also tiny, instead of just a filter list or something where I can toggle them?

And then all your Base/Extra effects? with Intensified Flavor by 10%, 5 extra epsilon nutrients, 8% more berry flavors and so on? And instead of just completing it after a short while, or giving some kind of stirring minigame or whatever, I just have to wait a long time to cook but not burn it? I know its more realistic, but its not as fun as it could be. 

Either way, got Steamed Blueberries with 40 Savoryness, 0 Salt, 58 Sweetness, 10 Bitterness, 39 Sourness 0 Spicyness and 8 Mintiness. Also featuring 0 Alpha and Gamma Nutrients, but 61 Beta Nutrients, 28 Delta ones, 64 Epsilons, 33 Zetas, 71 Omegas, 74 Flavor, but 0 Fragrancy and Pungency. All while being Composed of 85 Water and 0 Fat. 98% Quality and 100% Freshness, with Blueberry, Steamed, Cooked, Plant, Vegetable, Forage, Bulb, BambooShoot, Fruit, Berry Tags. 2.10kg of it, so its good I guess?

Writing this out in full with some space to the rest, just to show you how much Information there is, and the only one I look at to determine if I did good or not is the 98% Quality. Everything else I just gloss over and note as being there.

And then you have the follow up screen. Tasty 51/Something. (30Tastes + 22 Aroma) x 98/100 Quality. ExpGained, New Recipe, etc. Thats a nice Screen, it doesn'T flood me with stuff i don't look at, it just tells me I did a mediocre Job at steaming a Blueberry/bambooshoot mess, probably because my Tastes and Aroma are rather bad? I don't know how good 51/100 is, but that screen is a lot better then the detailed previous one. Why not have that or something similar to it be the result screen, and then give me a detailed view of the Tastes and Aromas when I hover over those? Maybe with some kind of Diagram showing that it ended up being a rather sweet or rather spicy food, but I don't need to know super detailed numbers on all of these Things. 

Ate all 2Kg of steamed Blueberries, just because I could.

Full Belly and I only needed a full Day of sleep to recover my stamina bar instead of 3. Its an improvement, but it should really only be 8 hours I think.

I wanted to try building a proper House, but your building system is still super rough and unfun. Finding out the Woodcar gave me a different kind of Wood the second Time I tried to gather some, so I couldn't complete my Floor, aswell as finding a bunch of Spiders just dancing on my unfinished floor of 2 Colors after waking up just killed it for me.

Maybe the next DD, or the one after that. Sorry.


We really need a cooking overhaul... but right now we have to prioritize new features

Also sorry for the spooders, they were not supposed to spawn where you build or where the grass has been cut, but my brother forgot to implement this little detail