15.30 with comments on the side. Gave up on 16 .45 without having reached the final Boss.
Your Resolution options are blurry. All of them, even up pto 2560x1440 Only Text and UI tho, the Gameview is crips. And minimap is still pretty useless. Overall I think the UI takes up too much for what it displays. And it might be on non-intuitive locations, but maybe thats just me. But I never really looked at health/dash since its so far out, Gun/Ammo counters could be smaller and maybe even merged into something, demons counter is kind of useless with them all swarming you anyway, and theres a lot of wasted black space. I'd rather have more screenview.
The Level Screen is a nice addition, its a bit thin for the Screensize I think, but its nicely filled over with background Art.
Level up should also be before next level selection I think.
Apparently the big Bosslike Symbol on the Level ment a free Level, was kind of disappointed on that.
Having the option to replace my backup weapon so I can completely run out of Ammo seems a bit dumb to me.
Took active trying to figure out the Blue Crystals explode for Damage, I thought they'd just act like the normal rocks. Maybe some Incentive or something on the Level design to showcase that might be better.
Your Spawners also seem way too tanky, I easily empty half of my ammunition into one.
And your Red levels are so much more enjoyable then your Blue ones. The wide open Spaces are really better suited for this I think, as opposed to the small Corridors on the blue Ones. Unless they are the same and I just get bad generation on blue Levels.
Shop Font is basically impossible to read. You can figure it out by what makes Sense, but thats about it.
Theres no Feedback on getting hit, and in the later parts you just loose massive Chunks of health when anything touches you. Also I keep running terribly low on Ammo, even when only picking ammo reduction/ammo max increases.
Any Plan to have a borderlands-like weapon generation? Or just the static ones as is now?
Its still pretty addicting, I kept starting run after run, thinking I could get further if I'd just do it better. Which I couldn't.