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-Mouse smoothing is terrible. If you have to have it in the game, at least make it disabled by default.

-Add the option to disable post-processing.

-Make RMB go back in menus.

-Torch particles are in local space instead of world space.

-Add free look when climbing chains and make A and D rotate you around them, because you can barely see where you're jumping like this.

-Dialogue text box doesn't scroll to fit the last line entirely.

-I could see someone getting stuck on the puzzle where you have to use the water gun to lift a barrel under a lever. You should make it clear earlier that they're physics-based. For example, you could have a lever that you need to pull down that's blocked by a moveable object below it.

-Why do weapons disintegrate after killing two enemies?

-Enemies with bows backstep off edges to their death.

- No one has complained very strongly about this but aight, I didn't put much effort in the implementation

- PP becomes disabled if you lower the setting enough in the graphics menu, not sure if you mean to disable something specific though, it has a lot of things

- aight

- yea

- Not a bad idea actually

- Are you playing on low resolution? I've seen a few people play and they don't have this issues but then I tried it on a Steam Deck and it does cut off, gotta fix it either way

- I thought this would be a problem though but so far no one has got stuck there, I think they solve it by just shooting bubbles to see what happens though, which is fine by me in this instance

- I want combat encounters to be about improvising, part of this is using crappy weapons that are disposable, on top of this there will be hazards in the environment and you'll have certain magic elemental weapons like the bubble gun that are permanent additions to your arsenal

- Fine by me, AI isn't quite level-ready yet but it's not the end of the world if the occasional enemy commits seppuku