Played for maybe 20 minutes.
I like the UI, it looks pretty clean. Also the weird space-y noises in the Title give me a real space feeling, nice.
Don't know what the Points in Outfit selection do tho. I know it says increases stuff by X%, but the value doesn't change, I don't get any kind of currency or loose any when I activate/deactivate some, I can just toggle them in a random order, so its not like I know that I have currently 3/6 active or whatever.
Opening Resolution says 640x480, but it cleary is native first, as switching blurs it all out. Also the points below it clip out of range, which looks ugly. And the UI doesn't properly scale with resolution, so when changing between them it the buttons keep jumping to different positions, making changing slower as it already is, since its not a dropdown where I can select mine.
Why is there a Title subsection that does nothing? Why not cut the embark section into a seperate button somewhere on there, or just have the title be the embark screen already, but with some ui adjustments?
in Game the control section on the bottom right overlaps itself, making everything impossible to read.
But A/D/Space seem to be the only buttons anyway.
Once you hit a wall you can't really turn away, thanks to always acceleration. Controls are pretty bad either way, its boring to just A/D. Its space, and loot spawns below me anyway, if the enemies die there, let me fly up /down left/right, let me adjust my speed, shoot manually all that stuff. don't just let me drift passively.
Restarting doesn't work, it doesn't zoom in on my ship, and from out of Planet range view I can't see anything, so controlling is impossible.
Picked some velocity control boosters after restarting the Game, couldn't control velocity. Also have no Gun now, so it'll be interesting to see how I'm going to handle the small ships who just kind of hug me instead of doing anything or trying to fight or whatever?
Crashed a bunch of Ships, got a Cannon finally, then exploded myself. No Healthbar no Nothing, just a weird number in the bottom right going up and down however it wanted. Your Camera lacks super behind the Ship on rotation, and its making me nauseous.
I have mixed feelings about this, I like your Space stations, and the ship modularity has potential, but I kind of was expecting a different kind of Game. I know this is not what you're going for, but it really has the Feeling of some nice Space-y RPG, flying around abandoned old settlements or whatever you wrote on your Page, doing missions, upgrading your Ship. Similar to what Underspace wants to do I assume? But less fantastical and more hard Sci-Fi? And I do like the Space feeling your Game gives off more. But the Gameplay being a kind of VS Clone is not really Fun as it is now I think. But again, I think I'm expecting a different kind of Game here then what you're actually going for.