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I loved a lot of things about this game; the art, music, fog, falling leaves, moon, varied enemies with varied attacks, and the fun, fast-paced gameplay. One thing I had trouble with was the 1-hit kill. I couldn't finish the game because of it (got up to the witch boss). I think if time between checkpoints or time it takes to kill a boss is going to be long, then you need more than 1 hit to get through it. It makes it extremely frustrating. The lack of boss health made it worse, because I had no clue how long it went on for. Along with that, I found the delay after jumping to be too long, especially paired with the 1-hit kill. Also, the fact that you stand in place when you attack, especially with enemies you can't touch (like the zombies). You have to attack at the perfect spot in order to hit them, so something like moving forward a tiny bit when pressing the attack button would be helpful.


You were close!  The Witch boss is the final boss of the game.  

Thanks for the feedback.  I agree with all your points.  I wanted you to know that I value it and take it into account.  I put up a new version of the game with a few changes.  You move and jump a little slower, your attack range is longer so the zombies are easier to kill without, and most importantly, you have 3 HP now  :)  I think the game plays a lot better now.

I'm not expecting you to play though it again (although you are welcome to!) but I did want to thank you for playing and let you know that I take feedback into account.  I don't normally make post-jam versions of games, but this one I had a lot of fun with and I wanted to clean up the gameplay.  Thanks for playing!