Oh, it's actually much better now. Which info specifically do you think should be still hidden?
I think every unlockable rooms in the offices section should be hidden when not unlocked.
>Did you find it too hard, or did you not know what to do?
Too hard.
>I don't know how long you played, and if you unlocked Sealing Chamber, and Bathroom,
played for 45-60min. I did unlock both of those. They are fun. but there seems to be a hard cap on time limit increases in you can get in dungeons. iirc it says "capped at 85 seconds" is that the upgraded cap? I think I've only managed to complete 1 run. most of the time, I fail without even reaching the mirror room. Do you know roughly how much time people still have on the clock when they complete a level? Maybe I just suck. but most levels I feel like I always failed without even standing a chance.
>By the way, I was going to play your doodle town next week, but I might do it earlier now that I know you are online.
Hey play whenever you feel like it. but I appreciate you planning on trying it out!