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(1 edit) (-2)

I was really hopeful for this game as I love these Jane Austen Period piece games but the music being played over and over again and being the same piece really got on my nerves.  And that you really have no choice but to become a bad person to be able to succeed also dampened my mood. I do not want to smuggle or be a part of criminal behavior but your game kind of forces me to do bad things.  Also there is only one romance the French guy whom is worth romancing the other two guys are just buffoons. 

Also I would love to be able to socialize with your cat but I can't, your relationship with Mrs. Dunker is basically useless and doesn't really offer anything interesting except the same parlour chitchat and what is the point of the embroidery if it doesn't do anything?  So I really hope you add more to this game and the ability to play as a good honest business women but sadly I don't think this is the case for this game.  

This game has such potential so I hope it does get fleshed out some more.  Also please make your characters actually people you want to get to know they don't really have anything interesting to them and you don't feel anything for them at least I didn't even the mc I didn't really have anything to like about her she just didn't seem real enough.

Thank you for you in depth feedback! In the early demo, only the first three rounds are available, whereas the full game is 24 rounds.

The game content, including music, art and script, are being improved as part of translating from the original Norwegian game. We think it would be interesting if you could name the cat, and interact with it in other ways.  Who knows, perhaps its escapades may lead to other romantic adventures too...

Your comments are printed out on the dev-wall and will be followed closely. :)

(3 edits) (-2)

Thank you for not being offended by my constructive feed-back.  I have high hopes for your game to develop into something enchanting.  You should play Rose of Secunda and also watch some of Jane Austen movies if you haven't already or read the books to get a feel for the characters and how people acted and reacted back than.  

Also allow the main character to make money not being on the brink of poverty all the time and making it such a struggle your game is about relationships and this portion should really shine not about trying to fight to put food on the table which is more realistic but most players are not here for realism especially not in a visual novel.  Add more charm and charisma to the other romances make them not sexist, or drunk and weak looking.  But real men that someone would swoon over.  Give it a real romance story book.

Name the cat and allow one to socialize with your darling pet.  Make embroidery worth something like being able to sell it perhaps if you have it in game.  Also  give the option of having your main character wear a few different outifts or be able to dress her up for certain occassions with outfits she makes herself people love that ability if you have the skill to do this. 😊 

Also the French guys name is just too weird and not relatable give him something dashing and French that one can actually pronounce.  I can't wait to see more of this development and will be following closely. 😍  One more thing also if you're dear friends with someone you don't call them Mrs. Dunker but by their first name makes her more relatable as a real person and not just some stranger.


Feedback is the only way we get better! We especially appreciate concise analysis as it pertains to gameplay and appreciation of the VN genre.

Now as to the Jane Austen factor-- we, the team, love the books in fact I visited her museum in Bath this summer.

It is safe to say we take our history seriously. The game script is largely written by a professor of history, and you will find that all clothes and other trappings are vetted by experts. 

We draw on numerous sources. The customers are collected from the recollections of Vilhelmine Ullmann, the daughter of Conradine Dunker whom herself was both a prolific and witty author.

Nearly every newspaper article is drawn from the national library and every named character met along the Promenade is a historical person that lived in Christiania in the 1820s. Temperature, weather, and moon phases are based on contemporary diaries.

While the narrative is imaginary, the setting is not. We are happy to challenge modern sensibilities by portraying the zeitgeist, intellectual spirit, of the era.  You will be happy to know that there are no right answers, just cause and effect. 

We believe that history needs no makeup. But stories do. For that reason, you have given us another good post to print out and hang up on the board. Thanks!

Kind regards, 

Maria, lead illustrator