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OMG, it's finally here! I am excited to see what will happen next! For now, it's a little difficult to judge as the current content is quite short but just like you said: Short, basic but nice! I really liked it! Best of luck to you!

PS: I am late to the party, I know. I have already played the build 2-3 days after it got released but only now have I realised that I forgot to write a comment! So, the text above this postscript is pretty much what I would write if I was put back to the past through those 2 months of radio silence. I am quite slow when it comes to writing comments. Sorry! D-;

PS2: Did you notice the bold word in the previous postscript? Yeah, it is always embarrassing (and a little dangerous, I don't mean to outclass you, I solemnly swear!!!) to pinpoint spelling mistakes but in the current build there is trough written twice. Hope you didn't leave at this point???

PS3: I thought someone reported in to help you with art development...? Did they fall out of applicability and/or contact? Maybe I am just imagining this happening and wasting your precious time! <<<:-@

Phew, that was a lot of jabbering... Maybe skip all the postscripts if you haven't read them yet. Here are some pretty flowers for better mood and I am gone before something even dumber strikes me. Have a great day!


Haha, thanks for the comment! Yeah I will make sure to check the grammar mistakes, I'm sure there are a few that I missed. Regarding art development I don't have anyone helping me with that yet so that's why is going very slow, but I'm looking for someone.

In the mean time I'm still writing things and I will definitely update the VN when I can!