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A member registered Jun 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Have you unlocked the last achievement? I can't find any solutions myself. The requirement must be something absolute horrible.

Hi, after some years I remembered this project. Will you continue?

We can wonder now. “Well I for one am excited to meet” the characters. And the places.

I thought you were dead. But I guess you weren't completely dead. Welcome back! And good luck.

OMG, it's finally here! I am excited to see what will happen next! For now, it's a little difficult to judge as the current content is quite short but just like you said: Short, basic but nice! I really liked it! Best of luck to you!

PS: I am late to the party, I know. I have already played the build 2-3 days after it got released but only now have I realised that I forgot to write a comment! So, the text above this postscript is pretty much what I would write if I was put back to the past through those 2 months of radio silence. I am quite slow when it comes to writing comments. Sorry! D-;

PS2: Did you notice the bold word in the previous postscript? Yeah, it is always embarrassing (and a little dangerous, I don't mean to outclass you, I solemnly swear!!!) to pinpoint spelling mistakes but in the current build there is trough written twice. Hope you didn't leave at this point???

PS3: I thought someone reported in to help you with art development...? Did they fall out of applicability and/or contact? Maybe I am just imagining this happening and wasting your precious time! <<<:-@

Phew, that was a lot of jabbering... Maybe skip all the postscripts if you haven't read them yet. Here are some pretty flowers for better mood and I am gone before something even dumber strikes me. Have a great day!


You Saved Me community · Created a new topic You alright?

Hey, Alexios99,

are you doing alright? Ever since you started to follow me, there was no activity and no response on your side... and it worries me. I don't know you and you don't know me but the idea of me being one of the last people you interacted with on sparked the thought of contacting you. And you also prepared a whole site for the visual novel, which needs some courage and the definitive decision of making it. Where we're at, your profile is abandoned and your existence is unknown. Abandoned things are just creepy. Really creepy. And situations, where poeple just disappear, even scarier. I really hope you are well and what you are doing right now is something you're passionate about. This message is me trying to figure out, if you are active. It would be very sad to see you gone. You are a great inspiration to me. I wish you the best of luck. You are going to make it to your destination. I am sure of it.

 Hang in there, friend!!!


A very beautiful game! The puzzles were quite challenging but I managed to solve them all... except for the invisible maze in the last vagon before the locomotive. I can't manage to get to the weird candelabra at the end. I suceeded to get 9 blocks from the candelabra at the bottom row but I can't get anywhere else! Am I doing something wrong (do I need to unlock something first?)? I charted the path which worked for me until the very point if you need it:

So, I only got the ending where you leave the train which wasn't very satisfying, thus I tried the other option. Because I'm stuck at the maze part, I can't provide any additional feedback. :-(

From what I played through, I can only recommend the game! The only bigger downside were the chases where the transition from a cutscene to gameplay wasn't clearly visible, so I died everytime a new chase came up. Fortunately, thanks to a lot of places for saving your game it didn't bring you back that much, so the story still remained pretty fluid. :-)

(1 edit)


Really enjoyed the game so far! The Tarot cards were not expected, primarily because I am not a big fan of them but I felt a bit excited about it when going through the story. I guess that's good? 

Though, I have a bit of a problem understanding the end of Day 4 (that blood scene), especially how it fits in the storyline. I called some of my friends over and see if they can find some logic in it. So far some good ideas have been spoken but nothing crucial. So may I ask, what is it with the snow (if it's possible to answer)? There wasn't any snowfall, so the whole scene seems impossible to ever occur...

I also wanted to get some explanation (if it's again possible) on Melmond's good and bad eye. In the story, it is said that he can't see on his RIGHT eye until later in the game and that's noticable by a scar on his eye. But sometimes, Melmond is shown with a scar on his LEFT eye (game UI with Melmond's head in a circle + on a card that Kurt is holding also features the same issue). Is there any reason for the scar to change places? My other guess is, if it was maybe changed during development? It's quite confusing to say the least! :-(

For the end, I want to wish every single one of you best luck to the future for anything you're currently working on! Keep up the good work!

Just an extra thing to do. It doesn't have a story anyhow and is extreme to guess without a hint, so you'll be wasting your time.

Noted. That means that there's still a bigger problem ahead of us and... I should really pay attention and rethink next time I comment something. I wish best of luck!

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I think it's because Sal didn't know the whole story (how David died and the events after). Dave reveals this fact to Sal when Sal shared his sister's story but only the fact that David's dead. Everything else was omited and therefore Sal is still suprised.

EDIT: Probably Sal is suprised because it's the only problem that bothers Dave all along. He is still shaken up by it and didn't get over it. And Dave didn't share it with him and the group. 

(1 edit)

I get it now. A cliffhanger is a tense moment at the end of a story. That means that only Day 13 had a cliffhanger because it ended on a tense note right away... uh, me sometimes... unbelievable. At least I have it all clear now. Will come in handy later. Thanks for the clarification!

Hugz to you.

(3 edits)

OK, it depends on how you put it. With the new information, maybe the question of Tyson presence isn't as much of a cliffhanger as I first thought. On one hand, it wants you to continue, to see what happened in the end. On the other hand, it's like the option with Sal. If you want him dead, he will kill himself. Or will he? Now we now that he WILL kill himself but before the update, it wasn't a cliffhanger but yet there was that feeling of you wanting to know Sal's presence even here. So I guess you're right.

Yes, I've played through Day 14. The ending could be a cliffhanger but for sure isn't a one. Yeah, the characters reference the next day as „a hard one“ but there's no proof, no event or basically anthing else that clearly concludes the day with information yet to be clarified. It's just emotional but reassuring that there's still HOPE among the group. Right? 

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You're completely right, my bad. It's just funny to call him as „the killer“ because it reminds me of „Jeff the killer.“ He is more as a hitman if any. He's not doing it because he wants to, he's paid to do it (as you already know). It must be a family the Hammond family had set against themselves. I have no clue what family it could be but I agree Orlando's family is a prime suspect with their „questionable acts and past.“ 

(4 edits)

Alright, so there wasn't a cliffhanger, good... Or was there? Yep, I was wrong. There was a cliffhanger. A hidden one but there was one. Well, here goes my lifeline. *pretend I cliff hanged myself because it's a joke*

P.S.: I hate cliffhangers. >:(

(and to make it even worth reading, I have to comment Day 12 because there's not much content about it here in the comments)

The story was okay. Actually, really well made. Better than I expected. 


(BTW if you don't understand my writings or there's a mistake, excuse my unawareness, my first writings never make sense and are full of mistakes, so I usually rewrite them the next day. This one is so far unedited)

Oswin's theory on diffrent timelines is really painful to read, especially that I don't want to continue. “You made a mistake. You shouldn't even be here. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.“ And it's true. If the player has a little sense, it's definitely hard to continue. But it's a part of the life, you make mistakes that you regret but you need to move forward in order to get more info, more of something to start understanding your decisions you've made (although you can just quit the game and start over but I'm getting of track, sorry).

I absolutely adore this day because it has so much replay value. Doing another run gives you quite a lot of new information that you would normally miss if you played in „normal circumstances.“ So. Much. Death. Really feel sorry for you Grizz, typing it all in must have been hard with 4 diffrent outcomes. You could also do a little behind the scenes one day or a speedpaint or anything else (just an idea, it could really slow you down actually, setting it up, managing it and editing it all... that's a lot of work for something that's not even helpful). Your drawings are very clean the last time I checked, less strokes are visible and helping lines are completely gone! And the last update is not the exception. Probably had more time I assume.

The last bit though... Oh, that got me good. Didn't know you will put Jack on the line that early (probably because I haven't made another theory and correct my last one from 5 months back). The running bit I figured, what else was there as an option when Jack the killer comes in to the main storyline. Although, I thought that it would be the same chase like on Day 14 but Tyson is with you. What a night.

I also started commenting on Dave exhausting himself and the day ending too early. The sudden slam to my face got me by surprise (Oswin waking up Dave). No words can describe just how funny it is to start commenting on something and then the game be like: „Stop right there! I can't take your pitiful sobing, just... here, have a little more, so you stop whining again.“ The little was a little but damn Grizz, you got me good. The leader of people's emotions, I like it!

But the Sal thing. Man, I so want to hug Sal and ensure him that everything is going to be okay. It's just sad making me think of him taking care of his plush watermelon. It's adorable but a bit lonely as well. Hugz.

Oh shit, here we go again. For like 25th time? And there better not be another cliffhanger or I'm gonna cliff hang myself.

Can we just appreciate the soundtrack in the game? Something I started to take note of. And so I heard there will be more in the next update, so really excited to listen to them as well! 

(probably my most favourite track is Fatherhood, maybe how out of place, yet quiet it is)

You can also ask about Oswin's sister (doesn't change a lot but maybe there will be more in the future?).

3 people helping with the game, otherwise nothing else that is so far known.

(one of them is helping Grizz with the soundtrack)

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And Grizz was hiding it so well...

I'll try my best. If I ever find any game breaking bugs I'll let you know but if it just a little extra thing like this one I reported, there is no need to report anything. Is this okay with you?

(sorry for the long wait, I forgot as always...)

(2 edits)

*obviously spoilers but just to be safe*

I don't think that it could be any of Dave's friends. The biggest problem I see on this theory is the fact that EVERY Dave's friend can die including Hoss. I also don't understand why a knife suddenly shows up in Hoss' chest in his bad ending. And THE SAME KNIFE that kills Oswin. (Tyson also says that he only dazed him, not that he used a knife)

For the culprit I have so many diffrent theories from ghosts to the test subjects of the experiment, Dave and Thanatos. So far I only include ghost stuff as something to point out because they can basically do whatever. I also am looking out for Thanatos because there is just something wrong with him I can't quite place. (Benson should not be the murderer, I don't see any motive and the next update should confirm it hopefully)

And the driver? I don't quite understand. Some of the BGs are oddly white on its sides, which I only assume means it's a flashback? I studied a bit the background pictures but no luck. Do you mean like the CGs or...?

I tried my best to write everything I know but I'm quite bad at doing theories. So what do you think?

Open the musicroom and play through the songs. It still contains bugs but it should give you the name of the song you're looking for.

(1 edit)

Sorry for these deleted posts, I just realized there wasn't a reason for me asking for more info about a system in the game I haven't seen before in a story game. It's just me not searching enough and then asking about stuff which are easily explainable and the answer being in the game... :/

Try some crazy choices, it looks like you missed some parts of the alternative possibilities (someone leaves and... well, that's a suprise).

(2 edits)

On the right of the screen there is a piece of paper with instructions.

You have to pick the correct ingredients for a certain drink, then you have to either stir or shake (the “TIPS” part of the instuctions'll tell you to stir/shake). And it's done, not big deal.

Imagine if we changed characters. That would feel very diffrent when there will be Dave's sprites. Also, I think this time the death would feel a little more natural and the vault would make sense. (I was thinking about this for a while now...)

If that would be the case, that's a relieve. Although, characters with plot armor are no fun. Then you have that strike of curiosity (at least I always do) to try and mess with the heavy stuff and see how the game handles it (that means even killing the protagonist and basically ruin the whole plot).

If you struggle with the Orlando part, you can play Hoss' route first. At some point, Hoss finds a paper with a bunch of passwords and two of them work. With the Roswell's part, I can't really add anything that ice bear san already said (just write down any suspicious words. Also, Dave repeats the password after Roswell, so maybe use this as a hint).

Dave and Thanatos are still immortal. And I hope it stays that way...

My bad, I don't understand why I was so direct all of a sudden. Well, I edited it so it is more spoiler-free. Thanks for that reminder. :-)

(1 edit)

It's quite bad but definitely not the worst. If you reveal Oz and get the alternative outcome of Day 11, Thanatos is very angry and leaves Dave while here Thanatos is seemingly angry but at least stays there with Dave for a while and has a talk with him. Definitely though, it's better to not betray Oz at all... 

As far is I know, the game goes up to Day 31, so we have a big part of the game yet to experience.

(3 edits)




Don't read this comment, it contains sopilers! There are as mild as they can be but I recommend you play the new update before continuing!

Am I going crazy or does the option to go to the vault appear only if you play it for the second time? I don't know right now and it makes me quite nervous that I seriously don't remember it being an option... Is it really this case? :-/

Also, is Dave brainwashed or something? I just feel like Dave doesn't listen AT ALL and keeps asking questions that makes others uncomfortable (expect for Roswell's route, that playthrough felt quite normal). It is the first time I actually didn't feel bad for Dave because of how he acts (I only felt sad because the music... it has that sad tone to it).

Anyway, the plot was very unexpected, it even got me (for the lying part and that he, you know who, actually did it, you know what that you can prevent, to Dave). 

And for some reason, I am really excited for Sal's route to come out next time (I have a feeling that everything will be alright, right? Sal isn't sad or anything at the end of that route...).


POSSIBLE BUGS: I think I found 2 bugs in Roswell's route (if they aren't fixed yet). They are really close to each other and it is in the part outside the manor after lunch BEFORE the walk.

1. It is after Roswell says that the outside gives food appetite. In this segment, there is “HE shot him...” where there should be “I shot him...”

2. It is after Dave gets sad when Roswell talks about rocks. In the context of the previous text I think Roswell should be speaking, not Dave, right? Otherwise, that means that Dave's talking to himself but there would be the normal text without the name when he talks to himself in his mind.

I'm sorry for the length of this comment, I just can't help it. :-(