Seems like some good ideas may be there, but the execution is far too flawed at the moment.
I thought the game was being funny at the start because it took close to half a minute to actually start when I "pressed any key", I thought maybe some keys weren't valid.
There's not a lot of interesting gameplay going on at the moment; you spray, you bash. There is no decisionmaking, no reason to change things up, no limit on resources, or anything like that.
The wooden plank hitbox seems way short for its visuals; I had to keep scooting closer to enemies even though they were in range, since they get knocked back a little.
The spray stun is ridiculously long for yourself. Even after the eye rubbing animation is over, your movement and actions are locked for two more seconds or so. Combined with the extremely short range of the plank, this makes positioning mistakes (unfairly) costly.
All that is topped off by the fact that mouse sensitivity seems to be too low (at least subjectively; I didn't see a setting to adjust it anyway) which actually, does not matter, because the attacks follow your model rotation instead of your view rotation. This I would definitely change up; it may be easier for controllers than for keyboards but it is hard to aim like this either way.
Also, you can zoom in past your model.
As an aside, I wanted to stream this game for my friend as I'm doing with most demos but Discord wouldn't have it. I tried using the fullscreen option but that didn't help, and the second time pressing it turned it into a very tiny bar-only window at the top left which meant I had to kill it.