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The art and the presentation and lovely, the Cities: Skylines—style Cloud 9 interface is a really cool interaction idea for player feedback. And double-hair bug is, in my opinion, not a bug at all, it’s magical.

It wasn’t clear to me if there was a “win” point or “lose” point, or what the downside is of putting people who disagree in the same realm, just seems like you still get bliss just less of it. I guess it would help if you made clearer what the end goal is — or, if there isn’t supposed to be an end goal, just making that clearer would be good too.

I think a casual, personal game like this would benefit a lotfrom little dialogue lines from the people at the pearly gates.

I like this game, thank you for sharing it with us!


Thank you so much for the feedback!

There is not a set win point, but the game gets faster and harder as time passes, with more souls queueing up faster and the cost to request new realms increases each time you get a new room as well! And losing is based on your own bliss, which is affected by overall ream/room happiness, how many souls are queued up, giving a soul over to Devi using the flame icon, or losing realms/rooms! It’s something that I should’ve popped on the page for player clarity, so I’ll amend it tysm!

Adding dialogue for Devi and Peter was one of our stretch goals, we might go back to add it after the rating for the jam ends when we have some time to. Thank you so much for the suggestion of adding some dialogue with the lost souls, that sounds like it’d be a really fun element to play with!