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I think maybe the OP doesn't speak English very well. And people are dunking on them instead of trying to have a productive conversation.

(1 edit) (+4)

With all my respect.

If you see storm clouds, you take an umbrella because you know it's going to rain, sometimes you can be wrong, yes. But most of the time you can't go wrong.

If someone is not clear why a game is charged, or even if they want to enter into a mature discussion about it is better or worse to charge on a platform like Itch.
You are not going to place the second or the third sentence that this person wrote.

If I have to guess (and I don't think I'm wrong), the first post is written with the intention of to criticize something that seems wrong to him.

His second sentence, he's not asking, he's stating that charging for games is wrong. In my years of experience, when a person starts a post like that, he has no intention of debating or having a mature conversation, he intends to vent his frustration or seek to create an unproductive discussion.

I can be wrong?. Yes, I don't own the truth, but I've seen this post pattern so many times in so many places that I'm more than 90% sure of what I'm telling you.

For this reason, I did not take his pseudo question seriously and I preferred to take it on the side of humor, that way you do not give him the opportunity to transform the post into a fight that would possibly be blocked at this time.


Hechelion, I completely agree with what you said. Responding to this post is just a waste of time.