Cool game, I like it!
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Recent community posts
You could just say, "It's my first game", and ask for feedback from the community. If you set your game to "Pay what you want" , they can download and test it for free or give you money if they want to. Nobody started as a master developer: don't talk bad about your game (or if it really is bad, then fix it). Happy developing; making games is fun!
A Song of Woods and Stone
Martin is a soldier who fought in the civil war that devastated the Southern Kingdom. Tired after losing everything, he fled to the North to seek peace and build a new life. But when he arrived in the town of Hammersford, he was involved in a new dispute, this time between Nomads and Sedentary, for the rights to water and pastures. You play as Martin, and with your party's help, you are trying to avoid another civil war and end a terrible drought that plagues your new country.
Demo: you can play the first hour of the game for free!
Thanks for the screenshot! Hopefully, I fixed the bug. I need to upload a new build of the game, though. That normally erases the player's saves. So, you'll need to temporarily copy and store your old saves outside the game. I'll upload the new build as soon as you give me your O.K. You can then copy your saves back in and test it, but have care to restart playing prior (!!) to the Cursed Elven City scene, perhaps from the Waterfalls that you navigated in the rowing boat. Let me know if the fix works.
No, ma tanto per cominciare ti consiglio di tradurre la tua domanda in inglese, di modo che il nostro moderatore possa capirti. Posso consigliare il software Reverso che è buono e gratuito. Probabilmente il moderatore ti dirà di rivolgerti al support, ma forse può darti indicazioni per risolvere il problema.
To open the Stone passage out of the "Labyrinth of Mirrors", you must defeat 5 (!) guardians and gain their tokens. They are Indara, Guardian of the North; Cedir San, G. of the East; Ciuto La Roccia, G. of the West; Gaugolod, G. of the South; Marla, Warden of the Center. If this is not the issue, let me know, and I will investigate further.
This was my first game, 7 years ago. Made it with Game Maker 8.1
And this is my (best) last one, made in unity.
Yes! Mark Overmars's and Jacob Habgood's two books ("The Game Maker's Apprentice" and "The Game Maker's Companion") were absolutely fantastic! Interesting short games explained in a very simple but exhaustive manner, so that even I, a complete beginner, could build them. Possibility to start with drag and drop, every step explained. In the second book he also talked about The Hero's Journey. I too started with them and have still very fond memories. Wish there where more books like those!
If you like a survival shooter with a story try this one. It has a free demo (first level).