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If you don't mind games from other site, .... ah never mind, here they are:
Dragon Dreams : A Taste of Adventure
LoZ : Wheel of Fate. The link is to a game bundle and Wheel of Fate is one of the games there.
The Legend of Hilda : Dimension Call
I think these should count despite being on flash:
, this one on GBA:
There are many top down Pico-8 games but ones that count as Linklikes are these:
And this:
Maybe I should mention Beyond Oasis and Crusader of Centy also.
I've found and played some Linklikes before but unfortunately they aren't available in this site. BTW Linklike is how I name Zelda-Like games.
The only one I could recall right now is this: Zelda : Fragments of Power.
I've torn between Robz Rush and Raiders Rush but I decided to choose the latter.
This game is actually my submission to Boss Rush jam which as the name implies, is a boss rush game. I choose this cause it has better boss select system which allows player to choose which boss to fight. Both games are boss rush games and both have upgrade features but this one has exchange system + hidden challenges.
The thumbnail only features two Raiders but the game has 4 Raiders to play as, each with his own specials.
Hello again!
I lost track of which game I've suggested to you and which I haven't. However, I believe I haven't suggested this yet:
This game is short however if you want to collect all secrets, you'd need to replay this game more than once.
Enjoy the game! Oh please play the post jam version cause it's better and has more stuffs in it.
If you doubt your own motivation, I suggest you do this: do any activities not related to video games at all for couple hours or a day then ask yourself: do you want to make a game or not?
If the answer is no, then maybe you shouldn't make a game at all. But if the answer is yes, then get started with something small.
what kind of things are you specifically looking for in your game music?
For my games, I need music which fits the theme. But in general, I prefer looping and upbeat music.
What are things that may make want to or not want to purchase the music?
The obvious factors: price and theme. If the theme doesn't fit, I don't want the music even if it's free.
What are some things a games composer could do in their music packs to enhance your experience when developing games?
Adding extra informations such as instruments used for each music and music length.
Congrats on your game release :)
When I saw the screenshot and read RPG elements, I thought it's a top down survival game at first. However, after analyzing more, it looks more like strategy game, which is either turn based or RTS. The control suggests RTS but it's still possible to be turn based.
My suggestions are :
1. Change your game description to avoid confusion. Simply mention if it's RTS or turn based strategy game.
2. Show screenshots with more than one unit preferable shots featuring offensive units with enemy units.
First of all, you should show us (not just devs) your music work so we could have a taste of your work.
Second, you need to tell us how much time you need to compose a track. For games developed for game jams, time is essential so having composer who could compose tracks within jam's duration is great.
Third, you need to tell what kind of genre your music work would be or I should say, what music genres you are capable of composing.
I've watched the trailer and my first impression is your intro takes quite long. Try shortening it or jump straight into gameplay while showing game's title. Then show something like "this game was made by studio name".
As for game itself, I agree with the above that it needs more juice. Add effects such as pieces tossed from broken bricks. Yes, I see that you send broken bricks away, but I prefer seeing broken bricks to break into pieces.
I think your HUD looks too big, comparing to Castlevania NES. In the latter, you can see many info in the HUD without sacrificing readability. IOW reduce the text, icon and HP size to allow more info in the HUD. That includes boss's HP bar.
That being said, it looks good. I can imagine on what's happening here.
Oh if you're going to post updated mockup next time, please show the weapon from both characters to see how much screen is filled with their weapons.
1) What do you think would help improve your game development skills the most? Is a GameJam the right way and if so why?
To improve game dev skill what you need to do is game dev. So Gamejam is great way to do it cause aside you have to create a game (mostly from not-so-nothing) , you have time limit to push yourself to complete your game within time limit.
But of course, people could cheat despite the rules but it's their loss if the jam had no prize rewards.
2) Would you like to have experts at your group's "disposal" during the gamejam?
Which experts? since gamejams have time limit, I'd need experts which could make stuffs within time limit so they could be used in the submitted game.
3) What would you like to see more at a GameJam?
Well, a team of professional judges to judge and rate the submitted games. This is to get fair and unbiased rating and judgement.
4) What do you think would be the best way to make people meet people to build teams?
I don't work in team so I can't give proper answer to this.
I get free music from sites such as opengameart.org, incompetech, and soundimage.org . Sometimes some composers offer their free service to compose music so I have some tracks composed by them.
For SFX, I got some from opengameart.org and the rest from browsing Internet.
Your hyperlink is incorrect, it should be this: https://roupiks.itch.io/alchemyst-islands
Welcome aboard andileluthuli.
I love anything with a strong narrative, creative puzzles, or even something a bit weird and experimental! I’m particularly drawn to games that make me think or have a really atmospheric vibe.
I rarely play such games so it's hard to find something to recommend. However, I did find something quite close to your description: Lost in Lampyrid Fog. It has unique atmosphere which part of its lore and you really have to think to solve puzzles and win the game.
I've played and completed it but not enjoying it.
It has coins in almost all rooms but that's all. Aside of scales and coins, the rooms are empty making exploration feel dull.
There's serious issue with double jump versus swimming. There's no indicator to tell if player could perform double jump or not after leaving water stream or water, making it hard to tell if player could double jump after that.
If those issues are fixed, this game could be better.
This is my entry for Ludum Dare 56 whose theme is Tiny Creatures.
You are white bat helping Cunies to find berries. Shoot big fruits to produce berries for cunies to eat. The more berry they eat, the more score you'd get.
BTW the cunies are afraid of you and other flying creatures and will run away. Protect the cunies from enemies while getting food for them.
Some shots:These are couple flamethrower weapons I've seen in games which you could use to solve this conundrum:
1. Flame rolls while flying after being fired (classic F weapon from Contra).
2. Flame shot flies while leaving fire trail (Metal slug 1 F weapon).
3. Flame shot explodes on contact (Gunstar Heroes combo of Rapid Gun with Flame).
I personally choose #2 but I share the other two as well for choice.