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A member registered Oct 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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I'm used to making games fast. That's the thing I've learned from joining game jams.

I did receive commission to make games which I didn't play so it felt kinda bland. But still, I did test it so it's balanced and good enough for me.

However, I did make game that I don't quite like it (and not paid also) and ended up ditching it. It was good experience though and I've salvaged good parts from the game.

TLDR, unless you have good reason to, I highly suggest that you don't make a game that you don't like.

Raiders Rush

(1 edit)

I mostly play action platformers especially run n guns and puzzle games.

What about you?

Music in games delivers feeling or vibe that player should feel in certain situations. Notably in boss battles and rush scenes, music will be different than regular levels/maps/stages/etc to give vibe of be serious or hurry up, respectively to the former.

When The Boss Comes The Whole Music Will Change Into Orchestral Lot Of instruments And Tone And The Final Boss Will Have A Very Different Orchestral Music Lot Of People Singing In Latin
You really should play more games with boss fights to prove that. I, for example, couldn't recall if I ever heard any boss fight with latin choir. Even orchestra is rare in my experience.

Run 'N' Gun your way to the core of the steampunk fortress to get powerful jewel in Steampunk Raiders.

Some screenshots:

Raiders Rush

1. TBH, I need full set so having only one set would make my game look bad with its mismatching sprites or graphics. So I choose these:

  • Tilesets
  • Character sprites
  • Items/Objects
  • Environments

2. 64x64 pixels and higher would be fine for me.

3. If possible, I'd like character sprites to be in parts so I could mix n match them. And for background environments, I prefer them to be tilable so I could control the length of my levels.

Not really, there are many browser games which I've played once and never again but there are downloaded games which I've played more than once. So it depends on the game.

If your question is about tendency, it depends on the game again. Browser game which takes long time to "download" is less preferable for me than downloadable games which takes short time to download.

3 animation suggestions:

1. Shrinks then enlarges to original size.

2. Heart breaks than unbreaks.

3. Transforms into a ball then transforms back into a heart.

I'm torn between this boss rush game or the other one but I choose the former for now.

Raiders Rush

Hi there, thanks for playing :D

It's hard to read for me. I hope you'll fix this image so everyone could read it.

Steampunk Raiders

I've completed this short demo and it was enjoyable.

I've found these bugs:

1. Dying enemy will become arrow sponge if shot repeatedly. I had to wait for it to disappear.

2. Opening Quest menu = map refresh. Very dangerous to do in map with enemies!

3. Frost arrow can't hurt bats.

I wish quest menu, aside of the bug, isn't needed to complete first chapter IOW completing all quests is enough without opening this menu. Also I don't know if it's possible but I wish quests only appear if Candy has gained respective quest.

Well, it depends on engine vs video game size+quality you're aiming. If the latter is high but you don't have required engine and assets to create your desired video game, it would be hard to develop that game. OTOH if the latter is low and you have proper engine and assets, it might be easy. Easy doesn't mean it can be done quick cause you'd still need to actually do the developing part.

I could add skill to the formula above but I believe you get the idea.


1. Do you care more about getting loop-able tracks or one's that take you on an emotional story?

Emotional tracks require proper event in the game making it hard to match or use. I care more with loopable tracks so they could be played repeatedly depending on game length.

2. Is the number of tracks or  the number of minutes more important to you when looking to download/purchase a music pack? 

Assuming track length = track quality, I would choose the latter. But if track length = repeating tones, I choose the former.

3. Would you prefer paying $10 for a high quality music pack or rather opt for the free pack of lesser quality?

I prefer the latter.

4. Do you have any interest in getting the individual instrument tracks for a song?  (These are also known as Stems & are used in dynamic audio engines. Allowing you to personally fade in & out drums, synthesizers & orchestral instruments at your desire to suit the scene.)

I don't know what to use those so no.

5. When looking for a game composer to craft custom music for your game do you look primarily for one on itch or elsewhere?

I don't have specific place to look for. They usually come offer their services here and in facebook groups.

Raider & Reaper

Great work! I can imagine how the game would play out from this mockup.

There's no definite answer cause PvP and PvE are for different type of players. I think the real question is : who are your target players?

Updated version has been released and it can be downloaded in the link above.

The update features:

1. Longer level.

2. Updated boss.

3. More enemies and a subboss addition.

4. Better UI.

Enjoy this game!

Thanks for playing.

As for your problem with aiming and jumping, I've put warning in Controls.txt not to use keypads since they prevent proper aiming and jumping. If you've used Numpads as I've recommended, you could aim and jump properly :).

Cats Co-op

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Steampunk Raiders

Most of the time, I listen to youtube videos especially podcasts.

However, during night or evening, I switched to listening Anime tracks.

I follow someone here just to see if they release a new game.

Barshen Breakout

I could only help adding couple things to your story. Maybe others could help your better. But you still need to mention the goal of player to give general idea on how story should be.

I think you need to give some kind of goal to the player, no need to reference to GTA2 nor any game, just pick a long time goal to reach for player.

My suggestion is this: TK wakes up in a shady apartment and is immediately greeted by the landlord. He claims that he has treated his injuries and allowed TK to stay in his place for some time. He demands TK to pay up for his services. Not having any money to pay, TK is offered shady work by the landlord. 

The first works would be tutorial for player to get used to the game. Despite that, player must complete them to pay TK's debt. After debt is paid, landlord informs player that he has more work to offer but also another person who could offer work like him. This is where player can choose what and where to go next.

That's from me for now.

Barshen Breakout

If you're still into endless runner, what about endless runner with these:

1. There are random ingredients that you can pick on the road/track. Picking any of them will give you just 1 score but you can avoid all of them.

2. You have shopping lists with random ingredients request in each of them. One list could have only 3 items but one could have 7 items. Picking correct ingredients based on certain list will reward you with big score. The longer the list, the bigger the reward, ex: 3 item list gives 10 score while 7 item list gives 60 score.

3. Picking incorrect item will cancel and remove a list and the list will be replaced with random list couple seconds later.

Yes the goal is to earn highest score as much as possible by fulfilling the lists. You can choose the limitation : traps, timer or something new?

It can't be helped. You might want to wait for reviews for expensive games first before deciding to buy any of them or not.

Alright, I'll use email then.

Barshen Breakout

Ah thanks, can I request a boss music for free?

Do you have examples of your music work?

I've made many games but for you, you should try Raiders Rush. It's cool boss rush game with upgrade feature.