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I like the main mechanic and the graphical style is quite nice.  Its a prototype so its clear that there are aspects that haven't been added yet (like the audio and a proper menu).  But overall I think the concept is pretty solid. It would be nice if there were save points so that I could keep playing and seeing further levels, but I understand that your probably intending that as being part of the challenge. Maybe you could group a set of dungeons together in sections that can act as save points?

I like that you can block attacks with your attack and vice versa. The computer AI is also interesting, them being able to bank shots its pretty cool.

Overall its a cool concept. I'd like to see more of a variety of creatures and shot types (multiple shots, curving shots etc). 

Thanks for playing!

There's no savepoints as it's meant to be a roguelike; however since I intend for dungeons to go on for very long in the future, I suppose a save-and-quit would be nice to implement and probably not hard at all. The pace and rate of money + pickups should also make it easier to last for longer. I think I'll have some free heals here and there...

There will be several dungeons and dungeons will have many branches and paths to go down through, accessed through different exits in shops or secret pathways. More creatures, characters and upgrades are on the way too!

Ooh ok that makes sense. Cool, looking forward to seeing more iterations on this!