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Im glad I finally got around to your teams game, was excited for it since I saw it in the discord, I really really enjoy anything with a hint of simulation and my mouth salivates at potential hehe. 

I really enjoyed this entry, Your basically just trying to fit characters into "good enough" rooms so they can get along well. Its cute, and I would love to see some sort of expansion on the interactions between the people. Considering how short the Jam is and how much is here I wouldnt say that would have been good for the jam haha.

Things I loved: The art (I am especially a sucker to things that remind me of Chainsaw man right now, and one of the mouths just screamed Power to me haha) I myself love adding character generators to things ehehe, I know its takes quite a bit of time sometimes. 

The concept, heaven management, where you biggest concern is keeping people with those that make them happy. Simulation is so expandable in so many directions which is why its so exciting to see in Jams. For example, Having a relative system, people want to live with family, but that might create alot more diverse thought in a space, which can cause more conflict. Plus I love the idea that Archangels are just dead people baby sitters.

Some notes from me tho, It was hard to exactly tell how well I was doing and I think the reason is, too many stats. They were all fun to look at, but it made it hard to tell what was actually good or not. Maybe less would have been more tight feeling. For the jam version this was fine, reading over the stats was the main thing to do. I do think numbers beside the sliders could have helped too.

I did find a someone goofy almost evil strat however haha. Get 2 angels. Then just start LOADING up the first one with who ever, this will average out the interests and lead to high misery. At first I thought it was clever "if its average everyone will be neutral, not miserable! aha!" I was wrong, so really great work balancing that. THE true strat came in realizing that the angel doesnt close up, until you click off, so even if its so miserable it collapses I can keep sending souls to it. Forever! I get paid, they get sent to earth 2. Use this to stockpile up a TON of money, then you can basically just have free rein of sending who ever to hell if you wanted. Made it so if you want to get into heaven you have to love pepsi, dogs, winter, and the night time hehe.

This was alot sorry!

tldr: Art was fantastic. Concept is awesome and fun to play with! Would love more Clarity on how well your doing. Should probably kick the player out of the Archangels room once it collapses otherwise it just becomes hell that pays you hehe.