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YOUR FIRST EVER JAM?? And you produce such a banger?! Damn, you make me jealous xD

Nah but really, I love the song! Fits nicely to a village, the quality is great, though I felt more of a 'technology' than a 'vegetation' vibe - makes kinda sense given that you took inspiration from a song called "A CYBERS WORLD?" xD.
The start was really nice, with actual town-sounds, and the music suddenly starting at 0:10 was truly mesmerizing! I first thought it was some form of pump I was hearing at the start, but it was actually... the beat!
Overall, a really sick entry. Good job!


Thank you for the generously positive comment, I loved your submission as well!

Yeah ironically, I understand how people see this as less photosynthetic and more technological,  guess that's what I get for doing the bucket / bottle sounds last...

After writing the main synth chords I went back and redid it to try and refollow the theme of an 'uplifting' city (alike how plants grow)! I'm glad that the catchiness has paid off, even with a surprisingly unintentional Moshi-Monster's-like shop break mid way through (1:57) hah.

Thanks for the comment, it doesn't go unappreciated! :D