The game is fantastic and full of potential, but there are a few things i've noticed after playing the full demo, sidequests and all, :
If you happen to get defeated in the warehouse before you reach the cat, you cannot reenter the building nor talk the the guy outside to get back in.
The fishing job makes it a little too easy to get gear early on, if you grind it. I would suggest putting a limit on how much money you can make off of the job before the old man says that he has enough fish. (Maybe have it so the player is able to get enough for a few potions and *maybe* the Iron Sword)
Speaking of the Iron Sword, the description says "Slightly better than a basic sword", but I don't see an increase in an stats when the MC equips it. Does it do more damage or is it to be changed in the future?
When you first enter the graveyard and talk to Sasha about the potential existence of magic, you can repeat the text if you step down or up 1 tile (depending on which you stepped on first)
This one doesn't matter *too* much, but the first time you go through the maze of vines, it's a little confusing, almost like you were meant to fail the first time, especially because you have find the garden shears first *then* go to the bottom right. If I didn't happen to stumble upon the shears the first time, I probably would have failed twice. Speaking of which, if you get the shears, then fail to get to the end, you keep the shears for the next try.
I believe that's all the issues i've run into for this build. It's really looking to be pretty fantastic. I can wait to see what you have in store the next build!