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This is a neat game! It probably makes students more forthcoming about their real beliefs concerning resource distributions. I like the setup with 4 different distribution characters, even if there is a larger pool of characters from which students can choose or can be assigned by rolling. Looking forward to hearing what further distributions students come up with as the game is played more.

Thank you! Yes, the resulting distributions were quite surprising, both in their differences and how some went all-in capitalism mode. However, I also think it's important to consider that the students will play the game with different mindsets and intentions. Some will treat it first and foremost as a game with a win condition, meaning that they will not play the game primarily to test / unveil their "true" intuitions. Others will do the opposite and focus more on discussing the intuitions that come in play during the different phases. And some will of course just try to make sense of what the hell is going on...