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It's a bit confusing, but a nice game. Couldn't finish it sadly.
A bit of advice for developers - if you find feature that doesn't work properly and might ruin someone's impression of the game, better remove it all together (that damned chair)
I did that for some AI parts in Synergy, because it was too glitchy.


Thank you for you comment! Probably you are right. We hadn't  got enough time  to check whole game as we were should check it. We have found the issue with a chair when was around 10 minutes before the  jam ending, I added a small fix to its physics and holding by a hero, but the new build had problems with a lighting (I didn't build lighting :() and we hadn't got a time to fix it, so we decide to send build with normal lighting and that chair. 

Hope you have passed two other quests. After jam ending we will release new build with some fixes of course.