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Hi, very cool game so far! Though not knowing skill lists in advance has me running two saves now, one with my avatar promoted to Evoker, the other Infiltrator. XP

Anyway, two visual bugs to report. The first I missed a screenshot for, it was before I realized this thread was a thing. Towards the beginning of the game when everyone is holed up in the underground room in Accoruna, I was talking to an NPC when Mary arrived, and the textbox from that conversation remained on screen until I talked to the same NPC again after the cutscene was over. It didn't cover Mary's cutscene dialogue, so it was just a minor annoyance.

The second I do have a screenshot for: In the skills menu, when browsing reserve party member's skills, moving the cursor off of them has their name appear as if an active party member. You can see Gerard's name highlighted as if he were an active party member, when he is in fact a reserve:

Anyway, these are minor nitpicks, but I figured since it doesn't look like anyone else has pointed them out, I should let you know. 

Glad you're enjoying the game. For reference, you can check the skill lists of classes you've unlocked with the Class Data key item,

For the first bug, do you remember if you started interacting with the NPC at the same moment Mary came in? I think I know what caused that issue, and went and reorganized that scene to sidestep it. As for the second bug, that's just on me, and thankfully wasn't too hard to fix.

...I cannot believe I missed that you can hit left in the class data. Okay, thanks!

Anyway, for the first bug, I'm not 100% sure, I didn't notice Mary until the camera moved. What I do recall is that I was on the NPC's second or third dialogue box when she came in.

Alright then, the issue was what I thought it was [timers were being resumed when they shouldn't have been, and the other script was slipping in between the gap], and I've changed things so potential similar situations should now be gone. Thanks for finding the bug, in any case.

(2 edits) (+1)

No problem! A follow-up: switching to the new version caused text noises to become oddly crackly, for me at least. After some experimentation, swapping in the SDL2_mixer DLL file from the version I first downloaded in place of the one that comes with the patched version fixed it. No idea what's going on there.

EDIT: Also, another thing: My Hexer just learned Bolts at Hexer level 15. I'm not actually sure it even came up on the level up notification, but it's there now and according to the class data it shouldn't be. The character is Mage-12 -> Hexer-15, picked up Heats at Hexer 13 for the first ????? slot. Either the class data is just out of date or something is going weird with the ????? skills.

EDIT 2: One more possibility: I might just be missing something here, if it isn't a bug just say "not a bug", but my assumption is I'm meant to fight this thing by waiting for it to float by and then interacting with it, but it just dances in place when I try to:

Ah, thanks for catching the SDL2_mixer issue. I updated the version of the engine to a new nightly to attempt to fix some other issue [ultimately unnecessary] and it seems the version changed and caused how a lot of the sound effects sounds and looped to change. I've gone and found an older version of the file myself and fixed the upload here/on steam.

As for the other two things:

- The Hexer's ????? entry on their learnset is because they learn one of several potential skills there, based on what their highest stat at the time is. A side-effect of how I'm keeping track of the skills behind the scenes is that you can potentially double-dip on that one, allowing you to learn multiple element+debuff skills.

- That guy's more an oblique reference than anything else, and is working mostly as intended, though I've now gone and changed them to not change direction when interacted with. Don't worry about them.

Glad to have helped out, and thanks for the clarification on the Hexer and the jellyfish, though sorry to bug you about things that weren't actually bugs. Interesting that the extra ????? skill can show up a level or two late, but I'll take it.

Anyway, still really enjoying the game, hopefully I won't have anything more to bother you with in the near future. XP