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False Skies

A traditional, class-based RPG with GBC stylings. · By Feenicks

The FS bugthread

A topic by Feenicks created Aug 11, 2021 Views: 842 Replies: 39
Viewing posts 1 to 13

As the title should imply, this is the topic for posting any bugs you come across. I feel I've done a reasonable job delousing the game by this point, but there's always stuff that gets overlooked.

Some helpful stuff to include;

- Where you encountered the bug and what you were doing when it happened
- A screenshot, if it's a visual bug
- The save, if it's something particularly severe

Hi, very cool game so far! Though not knowing skill lists in advance has me running two saves now, one with my avatar promoted to Evoker, the other Infiltrator. XP

Anyway, two visual bugs to report. The first I missed a screenshot for, it was before I realized this thread was a thing. Towards the beginning of the game when everyone is holed up in the underground room in Accoruna, I was talking to an NPC when Mary arrived, and the textbox from that conversation remained on screen until I talked to the same NPC again after the cutscene was over. It didn't cover Mary's cutscene dialogue, so it was just a minor annoyance.

The second I do have a screenshot for: In the skills menu, when browsing reserve party member's skills, moving the cursor off of them has their name appear as if an active party member. You can see Gerard's name highlighted as if he were an active party member, when he is in fact a reserve:

Anyway, these are minor nitpicks, but I figured since it doesn't look like anyone else has pointed them out, I should let you know. 


Glad you're enjoying the game. For reference, you can check the skill lists of classes you've unlocked with the Class Data key item,

For the first bug, do you remember if you started interacting with the NPC at the same moment Mary came in? I think I know what caused that issue, and went and reorganized that scene to sidestep it. As for the second bug, that's just on me, and thankfully wasn't too hard to fix.

...I cannot believe I missed that you can hit left in the class data. Okay, thanks!

Anyway, for the first bug, I'm not 100% sure, I didn't notice Mary until the camera moved. What I do recall is that I was on the NPC's second or third dialogue box when she came in.


Alright then, the issue was what I thought it was [timers were being resumed when they shouldn't have been, and the other script was slipping in between the gap], and I've changed things so potential similar situations should now be gone. Thanks for finding the bug, in any case.

(2 edits) (+1)

No problem! A follow-up: switching to the new version caused text noises to become oddly crackly, for me at least. After some experimentation, swapping in the SDL2_mixer DLL file from the version I first downloaded in place of the one that comes with the patched version fixed it. No idea what's going on there.

EDIT: Also, another thing: My Hexer just learned Bolts at Hexer level 15. I'm not actually sure it even came up on the level up notification, but it's there now and according to the class data it shouldn't be. The character is Mage-12 -> Hexer-15, picked up Heats at Hexer 13 for the first ????? slot. Either the class data is just out of date or something is going weird with the ????? skills.

EDIT 2: One more possibility: I might just be missing something here, if it isn't a bug just say "not a bug", but my assumption is I'm meant to fight this thing by waiting for it to float by and then interacting with it, but it just dances in place when I try to:


Ah, thanks for catching the SDL2_mixer issue. I updated the version of the engine to a new nightly to attempt to fix some other issue [ultimately unnecessary] and it seems the version changed and caused how a lot of the sound effects sounds and looped to change. I've gone and found an older version of the file myself and fixed the upload here/on steam.

As for the other two things:

- The Hexer's ????? entry on their learnset is because they learn one of several potential skills there, based on what their highest stat at the time is. A side-effect of how I'm keeping track of the skills behind the scenes is that you can potentially double-dip on that one, allowing you to learn multiple element+debuff skills.

- That guy's more an oblique reference than anything else, and is working mostly as intended, though I've now gone and changed them to not change direction when interacted with. Don't worry about them.

Glad to have helped out, and thanks for the clarification on the Hexer and the jellyfish, though sorry to bug you about things that weren't actually bugs. Interesting that the extra ????? skill can show up a level or two late, but I'll take it.

Anyway, still really enjoying the game, hopefully I won't have anything more to bother you with in the near future. XP

Hello again! Found a couple oddities in two areas around Apargi. Entering the airship hangar from the green door in the castle has the exit to the gardens not present, so you just walk into the doorway and stay there, and I think the computer equipment wasn't examinable either. Also, there appears to be an invisible wall in Apargi cavern, pictured here: Just cannot get to that staircase. XP


Okay, I see what I overlooked there. I've uploaded versions with fixed for those just now, so thanks for catching them.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news again, but it seems like the Inn version of the party change menu is broken? I have no access to reserve members, and I can remove somebody and then am unable to add them back in.


Okay, I see what I did wrong. Uploading a version that hopefully fixes that now.

(1 edit)

Can confirm it is now working. Thanks for fixing that so quickly!

Stayed up way too late, the bug is telling me to go to sleep. Anyway, I feel like the main bug here might edge into too much spoilers for people just clicking all the threads when looking at the game, so I put it into an imgur link instead:


Thanks for catching those. I've uploaded a new build that fixed the things making that particular doorway impassable and gave that NPC something to say in the endgame.

(4 edits) (+1)

Something kind of wonky is going on with the Elementalist's Changelin skill. When I leveled up again after learning it (so, Elementalist level 16), a second copy of Changelin appeared on the skill list, and while I was experimenting with all the possible weapon variants of Changelin, the second one only changed sometimes. It seems like there's some kind of hierarchy going on where a weapon type will only overwrite the second instance of Changelin if it has higher priority than the type it currently holds.

Like, when switching from Sword to Knife, the second changed and I had two instances of Knife Changelin, then switching back to Sword the second stayed on Knife, so I had both Sword and Knife Changelin available. An incomplete list of the hierarchy would be Sword<Knife<Spear<Staff<Claw<Whip<Heavy Bow<Gun<Heavy Gun. Once it got stuck on Heavy Gun that was the end of it, it wouldn't change anymore.

So not sure how much, if any, of this is intentional; having more than one variant of Changelin available at a time *would* be cool, but has a "too good to be true" feeling to it, and the nature of working out the hierarchy of "stickiness" leads to my thinking something is off. I made a separate save when I first noticed the second copy in the skill list (though after it was already on Knife) and have a link to download it, if that helps: 

EDIT: Oh, actually there is also one other odd thing about skills, I only just noticed, it looks like Heats, Morpa, and Alheats never actually upgraded to Heates,  Morpae, and Alheates for my Barrier Mage. If it was only Heats I would've thought it had something to do with learning it as a Hexer, but she originally got Morpa and Alheats from the Barrier Mage skill list. Not high enough level yet for Almorpa to upgrade, so not sure if that will also fail to happen. I definitely think I got the level up notifications telling me that they upgraded, but they aren't on the skill list. Hm, Alheats is in the final, 24th skill slot, does "not learn new skills" also mean "not upgrade skills anymore"?

EDIT2: Completely unrelated bugs now. I checked the auction and found a key item called "Suit", no description offered when examined, and after buying it it does not appear in my inventory or my key items list. Ah, speaking of things not appearing in lists the Onyx I found that says it prevents death effects, while it is in my items list, does not appear as a valid accessory in the equipment menu.


Alright, that's a bunch. Thanks for stumbling over them for me.

1: For skills in the same vein as Changelin, where what it is depends on what's equipped, there's a bit of extra structure going on in order to make sure things aren't double writing. It seems I hadn't got to that until now. You'll keep the two Changelins you have until you do the last class change, but yeah, that's definitely a bug.

2: I looked into the problem, and it seems that upon seeing that a character has a full skillset, the skill-writing script I wrote years ago just up and quits, not bothering with any skill family stuff. Actually fixing that problem is more than I can be bothered to do at the moment, so I've gone and doubled the maximum number of skills you can know at once, as inelegant the solution I ended up with is.

3: Both of those are fixed now. The suit unlocks something marginal back in Gattun now, by the way.

It's no trouble, the game is very good so I'm playing it a lot, and reporting the bugs I find is just common sense. Or should be, anyway. Seriously, though, fantastic job.

Anyway, as a follow-up: after patching, when my Barrier Mage gained another level (BM-19 now), Alheats corrected into Alheates but Heats and Morpa are still un-upgraded, so there might be a weird interaction with Hexer going on there after all. Or expecting everything to correct on level-up was mistaken. XP The character is still great, but in case that's not what you expected to happen I figured I should give a heads-up.

Found another couple things, one is that I finally noticed you can turn on drop/steal rates now, and it turns out a few drop rates are just blank. If that means something I am unaware of (only drops with a Merchant in the party or something?), cool, but if not that may be an issue. If it is I could make a list of the ones I have in my bestiary, though my bestiary is far from complete.

For the rest, they are event related and spoilery, so I'll put them in an imgur link along with an example of the drop rate thing:

Developer (1 edit)

The drop rate thing was because I was being overly blunt with how I was checking for empty item drop/steal slots. I put in an additional check to deal with cases where there's a non-zero drop rate that still registers as 0, so those cases should now be properly marked.

As for the other thing, I forgot about it if you sent them to Elte they should be wandering around in one of the grassy areas visible from the main road, at least once you grab the updated version. The NWTC Heavy now also doesn't disappear once the endgame starts up.

Can confirm that the Heavy is now there and I was able to find that person, in the place I sent them to at least. I was right and it wasn't Elte, but thanks for the just-in-case info nonetheless.

Hello again, a few odds and ends.

For Evoker, Clearwell when equipped with Union or Ether Sprite does not appear to grant regeneration as the description claims, it just heals a bit. I never actually tried to use it with Ether Sprite, betting on the AOE regen, so it took until now to notice.

I promoted a Samurai to Elementalist, and they have since learned a number of Nail skills corresponding to each of their Samurai stance elements, except for Light. Waki stance is Lux element, but they learned no corresponding Lux element melee attack (as of EL-13). Not sure if this is a bug or not, but it broke the pattern so I figured I'd mention it.

The Nihil claws do seem to do percentage damage, but attack twice like other claws when the description says they attack only once.

The Undeter/Immove and Clarity/Unwaver shields seem to have their resistances swapped; when I check on the stats screen, Undeter and Immove improve Ether resistance by 10% while Clarity and Unwaver improve Physical by 10%.

Also I now have three copies of Changelin, not sure why it stopped at 3 instead of filling up my entire skill list, but I trust that whenever I get access to that thing you mentioned it will sort itself out.

There are also a couple spoiler-adjacent mapping things, so imgur link again:
Developer (1 edit)

I was confused for a bit about the Lux Nail/Waki issue, since it's right there in the script that checks attacks:

Can you spot the issue?

As for the other things:

- Clearwell should now apply regen properly.

- Nihil's a bit of a funky weapon in general, but it'll at least now only hit once [for a bit more single-hit damage, too]

- The shield issue was due to some things being ordered wrong in the status menu. The shields do what their descriptions say they do.

- I still don't know what's going on with the Changlins. Enjoy??

- There's supposed to be something blocking you from going down into the pool until the absolute end of the game, and now it'll actually do that.

- As for the last set of classes, I added a book in Naus that should hint at where you need to go in order to change into them. Failing that, there should be one cave on the overworld you haven't gone to yet that'll let you change into them.

Cannot believe I missed that cave. It's right there! Thanks. I don't actually see the script it looks like you tried to post about Waki,  though that's probably fine; missing answers right in front of your face is the curse of all programmers so I get the idea.

Anyway, there is one oddity I noticed: upon promotion (tried two different tier 5s, happened both times) that Mage->Hexer->Chemist->Barrier Mage I've mentioned a few times loses Boltes (though Heates and Morpae are now properly upgraded). Is that intentional?

Also, while I'm waiting to see the last class to decide what to promote my avatar to (Elementalist has good growths anyway), I did test promoting and it did reduce the number of Changelins in my skill list back down to one.


Huh, seems that images don't work like I though they did. Oh well. I went and edited the old post to include a link instead.

The Tier 5 class change actually regenerates your characters skills and stats from scratch, and so the variable skills will change due to that.

As for the last class, it's something you can only obtain after seeing one of the endings, so don't worry about it.

(1 edit)

Hello again, finished the story! Finale was excellent, will gather thoughts on the whole game at some point. Found some more bugs along the way, though.

First, all the shops and facilities in Call aside from the save book appear to not work. Second, when promoting to 5th tier, the currently equipped Evoker summon appears to get stuck in place. It's specifically the summoning ability itself that gets stuck, the associated attack spells and buff still change to match the equipped spirit but the summon spell remains whatever it was when changing classes regardless of equipment, I've tested this with both Union and Artur. Also Clearwell still appears to be a single-time healing spell and not a regeneration effect, not sure what's going on there.

And finally, a number of mapping oddities:


Oh, nice. Glad you liked the ending.

As for those bugs:

- Would you believe me if I said the issue with those shops not working was the exact same issue as why you could get to the extra dungeon early? Either way, that's fixed up.

- The Evoker summon getting stuck was another easy-to-miss but ultimately easy to fix issue. As for Clearwell still not working, that was a result of me forgetting about a quirk of the way OHR status effects operate.

- Those mapping/door issues have also been cleared up.

Admittedly, It was more the final boss fight and related events that impressed, though the ending wasn't bad either, if a little abrupt. I've been poking around the last couple hours and found two other endings, and your blog post that mentions four, so very much wondering what point of divergence I'm missing. I guess I'll keep poking around a bit.

In the process of poking around, I found one more definite issue and two other things that had me scratching my head:


The guy in the first picture's meant to say something. I'll get around to fixing him in the morning.

As for the other two things, they're more set dressing [the first to accompany that one boss, the second for a place for the implied airship Geaut uses to be stored/serviced at when not in use].

As for the final ending you're missing, it's for when you lose/time out on one of the final bosses. It's there mostly as a worst ending, and so that low-damage teams aren't completely left out in the cold when it comes to that particular final boss.

Just got the game yesterday, really enjoying it so far! two small things to report though, a bug and a comment/question. First is that any time i quit the game it resets all the in game settings like volume, run speed etc. ive tried launching the exe as an admin in case it isnt writing something somewhere, but that didn't seem to help. ive quit+loaded a few times, even to menu first and then desktop, but nothing seems to change it. Second, is there a way to rebind the controls, even through like a config file? i have pain problems and would like to see how the game handles WASD+space.

third unrelated is there anywhere to buy the soundtrack? its amazing


The sound/run speed settings should be saved alongside the save file and shouldn't change once you load it up.

As for control rebindings, unfortunately not. If there's an engine update that allows for that I'll definitely make the change. If it makes it any easier, Enter/CTRL can also be used as the confirmation button, as well as Alt for cancelling [as opposed to Esc].

As for the soundtrack, here and here.

(1 edit)

unfortch but understandable about the rebinds, i do have two different files in falsesky.saves folder, 0.rsav and 32.rsav, second one's only 1kb. was mostly garbled symbols opening em in notepad so im not sure if theres a way to make sure the settings save by editing em. can you think of anything else i should try that might fix it?

edit: nvm misread your post, loadin a save loads the settings there. thanks for the response, games amazing so far


I am playing this on the Steam Deck, and I am consistently getting an error that only occurs during combat. The frame rate will plummet to 3-7 FPS, and once combat finishes, an exception regarding data tables (?) will appear and crash the game.

Unfortunately, as it is on the Steam Deck, I am none the wiser as to how to pull any crash logs let alone submit them.



Could you get me a screenshot of the exception? I've heard from other people that the battles don't play nicely on a steamdeck.

Other than that, it's an engine-related bug, so it's not really something I myself can fix, unfortunately.

No worries if it's engine related--I will just mind the memory leakage by observing the RAM usage.

I appreciate the quick response!

Issue appears to have been resolved, which means that you can now boast it's 100% Steam Deck compatible. :)

Bought this on steam and got the true ending, but when i tried progressing in ice cave with new game+  save it replays the cutscenes with liss from early on/teleports me back to ame

Kinda stuck in Ame now, as i have to talk with the innkeeper to skip the night but the call item only brings up the party edit menu lol


That's unfortunate. I thought I'd squashed the Ame/Ice Cave-related NG+ issues, but it seems some additional tag-related stuff passed me by.

I'll try and get a fixed version up tonight.

Back again, doing a bit more plot jumping and it seems like choosing binding mines doesnt close the plot jump menu- cant close it either unless i pick something else 

Hitting enter again creates a new party at the same plot point, but keeps the menu open


Oh, that's unfortunate. That's a single menu bit not being turn on that's causing that, though, so it's easy enough to fix.