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A member registered Aug 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Oh, that's unfortunate. That's a single menu bit not being turn on that's causing that, though, so it's easy enough to fix.

That's unfortunate. I thought I'd squashed the Ame/Ice Cave-related NG+ issues, but it seems some additional tag-related stuff passed me by.

I'll try and get a fixed version up tonight.

Ah, alright. Here's some relatively early weapons that have special properties [as most don't]:

Breaker [Dagger}: Has an 80% chance of lowering the target's DEF.
Air [Dagger]: Deals air element damage [in addition to the dagger's usual phys/slash damage]
Luck [Claw]: Lowers the target'sEVA.
Char/Chill/Ground [all whips]: Does Fire/Ice/Earth damage [in addition to the whip's usual phys/slash damage].
Star [One each of sword, rod, and bow] Does Lux damage [in addition to the weapon type usual damage types].
Water [Hammer]: Deals Ice damage [hopefully you get the idea].
Dread [sword]: Has a chance of dealing a deathblow [the target's HP in damage, affected by deathblow resistance] to its target.
Catch [spear]: 'Surveys' [steals] an item from its target with its normal attacks.

There's a bunch more weapons with special properties, but a lot of those come later in the game, so hopefully this is a good enough overview of things.

There's a ton of different weapons, so I'd have to narrow it down a little bit. Do you want some information on the various weapon types, or just some of the extra properties some of the weapons get?

It'd probably be easiest if I got some sort of contact information so I could send you a link to the file directly.

There is one, but it's not very frequently updated, not for sale, and isn't exactly purposefully designed for it [there's no way to enter custom names, for one].

Could you get me a screenshot of the exception? I've heard from other people that the battles don't play nicely on a steamdeck.

Other than that, it's an engine-related bug, so it's not really something I myself can fix, unfortunately.

The sound/run speed settings should be saved alongside the save file and shouldn't change once you load it up.

As for control rebindings, unfortunately not. If there's an engine update that allows for that I'll definitely make the change. If it makes it any easier, Enter/CTRL can also be used as the confirmation button, as well as Alt for cancelling [as opposed to Esc].

As for the soundtrack, here and here.


I went and gave the pacts their own icon so they can be sorted appropriately.

The portrait selection/determining aspect of character creation is one of those things I implemented in a fragile and convoluted manner, both in choosing the portrait and keeping track of which one was chosen. I do understand the desire to pick from all of them, though.

Here's some comments on the more spoilery comments [same password as your one]:

Thanks for all the comments, and more importantly for enjoying the game.

The guy in the first picture's meant to say something. I'll get around to fixing him in the morning.

As for the other two things, they're more set dressing [the first to accompany that one boss, the second for a place for the implied airship Geaut uses to be stored/serviced at when not in use].

As for the final ending you're missing, it's for when you lose/time out on one of the final bosses. It's there mostly as a worst ending, and so that low-damage teams aren't completely left out in the cold when it comes to that particular final boss.

Oh, nice. Glad you liked the ending.

As for those bugs:

- Would you believe me if I said the issue with those shops not working was the exact same issue as why you could get to the extra dungeon early? Either way, that's fixed up.

- The Evoker summon getting stuck was another easy-to-miss but ultimately easy to fix issue. As for Clearwell still not working, that was a result of me forgetting about a quirk of the way OHR status effects operate.

- Those mapping/door issues have also been cleared up.

Huh, seems that images don't work like I though they did. Oh well. I went and edited the old post to include a link instead.

The Tier 5 class change actually regenerates your characters skills and stats from scratch, and so the variable skills will change due to that.

As for the last class, it's something you can only obtain after seeing one of the endings, so don't worry about it.

(1 edit)

I was confused for a bit about the Lux Nail/Waki issue, since it's right there in the script that checks attacks:

Can you spot the issue?

As for the other things:

- Clearwell should now apply regen properly.

- Nihil's a bit of a funky weapon in general, but it'll at least now only hit once [for a bit more single-hit damage, too]

- The shield issue was due to some things being ordered wrong in the status menu. The shields do what their descriptions say they do.

- I still don't know what's going on with the Changlins. Enjoy??

- There's supposed to be something blocking you from going down into the pool until the absolute end of the game, and now it'll actually do that.

- As for the last set of classes, I added a book in Naus that should hint at where you need to go in order to change into them. Failing that, there should be one cave on the overworld you haven't gone to yet that'll let you change into them.

(1 edit)

The drop rate thing was because I was being overly blunt with how I was checking for empty item drop/steal slots. I put in an additional check to deal with cases where there's a non-zero drop rate that still registers as 0, so those cases should now be properly marked.

As for the other thing, I forgot about it if you sent them to Elte they should be wandering around in one of the grassy areas visible from the main road, at least once you grab the updated version. The NWTC Heavy now also doesn't disappear once the endgame starts up.

Alright, that's a bunch. Thanks for stumbling over them for me.

1: For skills in the same vein as Changelin, where what it is depends on what's equipped, there's a bit of extra structure going on in order to make sure things aren't double writing. It seems I hadn't got to that until now. You'll keep the two Changelins you have until you do the last class change, but yeah, that's definitely a bug.

2: I looked into the problem, and it seems that upon seeing that a character has a full skillset, the skill-writing script I wrote years ago just up and quits, not bothering with any skill family stuff. Actually fixing that problem is more than I can be bothered to do at the moment, so I've gone and doubled the maximum number of skills you can know at once, as inelegant the solution I ended up with is.

3: Both of those are fixed now. The suit unlocks something marginal back in Gattun now, by the way.

Thanks for catching those. I've uploaded a new build that fixed the things making that particular doorway impassable and gave that NPC something to say in the endgame.

Okay, I see what I did wrong. Uploading a version that hopefully fixes that now.

Okay, I see what I overlooked there. I've uploaded versions with fixed for those just now, so thanks for catching them.

Ah, thanks for catching the SDL2_mixer issue. I updated the version of the engine to a new nightly to attempt to fix some other issue [ultimately unnecessary] and it seems the version changed and caused how a lot of the sound effects sounds and looped to change. I've gone and found an older version of the file myself and fixed the upload here/on steam.

As for the other two things:

- The Hexer's ????? entry on their learnset is because they learn one of several potential skills there, based on what their highest stat at the time is. A side-effect of how I'm keeping track of the skills behind the scenes is that you can potentially double-dip on that one, allowing you to learn multiple element+debuff skills.

- That guy's more an oblique reference than anything else, and is working mostly as intended, though I've now gone and changed them to not change direction when interacted with. Don't worry about them.

Alright then, the issue was what I thought it was [timers were being resumed when they shouldn't have been, and the other script was slipping in between the gap], and I've changed things so potential similar situations should now be gone. Thanks for finding the bug, in any case.

Glad you're enjoying the game. For reference, you can check the skill lists of classes you've unlocked with the Class Data key item,

For the first bug, do you remember if you started interacting with the NPC at the same moment Mary came in? I think I know what caused that issue, and went and reorganized that scene to sidestep it. As for the second bug, that's just on me, and thankfully wasn't too hard to fix.

Ah, that's nice to hear.

I don't have any projects lined up that are going to be using that same skill system, but if I do something involving mechs or the like in the future I'll probably return to it in some form.

If you have a twitter, send me a message there [@ffeenixcks]. If email's better, send something to

I still need to set up the bonus dungeon [and all the stuff that that entails doing], but if you want to play the game as it currently stands let me know of some more private way of contacting you so I can send you the files that way.

Not really; I'm more looking for general comments on what things you like/don't like.

I have a more recent/polished version of the game than the one uploaded here I can send you the link to privately, if you're interested.

Have any changes or criticisms of things in False Skies? Put your thoughts here!

Some notes:

- There's a limit to what I'm willing or able to change, given both how deep into the project I am and the limitations of the engine I'm using. Changing a single enemy around, or modifying a portion of a dungeon are within my limits; adding additional frames to animations isn't [at least not right now].
- Don't be overly obnoxious.

As the title should imply, this is the topic for posting any bugs you come across. I feel I've done a reasonable job delousing the game by this point, but there's always stuff that gets overlooked.

Some helpful stuff to include;

- Where you encountered the bug and what you were doing when it happened
- A screenshot, if it's a visual bug
- The save, if it's something particularly severe