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The dialogue was entertaining but they gameplay lacked in some aspects for me. I'm not a big fan of super short ranged weapons in top-down games so I might be biased here. The repeating rooms with the arrows were fun, took me a second to realise what I had to look at. At first I thought the banners meant something. Speaking of the banners, them and other tiles a few (but enough to make an impression) were layered on top of the character. Not sure if this is a known bug or maybe something that doesn't happen on your end. The hardest part to deal with was the game over with no way of retrying besides refreshing the game page. I tried a couple more times but after a while it got tiring, especially since most of the interactions I saw only shine on their first encounter, having to redo them every time you die quickly dampens the experience.

P.S. I did quite like the art for the hearts tho! And still good job on the successful submission to the jam, hope you make more games that I get to try :)


Hey, thanks for the comment, it means a lot!
As you can guess we were really short on time so we went with quick wins 😁
This game was great to make, we tried to fix most of the bugs we had (the blocking ones) but some managed to slip out (those pesky tilemaps). Indeed some more features would be welcomed especially having checkpoints here and there. And glad you liked the hearts :P