Thank you for your patience with me. Turning up roughness and down metallic didn't seem to do much unfortunately. I'll try using the PBR packer and see if it changes anything.
Regarding setting the depth, the only one I found in the guide was set_depth(_depth) (0..1) which I am already doing but the light is not going behind my buildings when the y value goes below the building's y value. I am updating the depth of my buildings using update_depth() as well. I couldn't find anywhere in the guide for setting depth other than that function and increment_depth(_increment). The light always appears to be going over everything no matter where its position is.
//Layers depth setup
layer_depth("Instances", -1);
layer_depth("Light_Layer", 100);
layer_depth("Background", room_height + 100);
depth = room_height - y + 100;
//Light Step Event
x = mouse_x; y = mouse_y;
d = y / room_height;