Cool idea, it was satisfying to see the share-tree, very cool mechanic! It was really nice! To bad the browser behaved like I was trying to summon a demon from a dark place when reaching around 600-700 shares. Haha! 😂 Still, I won the game at 20 days, and continued from then on until I had maxed out my stats. It was around day 25 perhaps. :)
It took me some time to understand the mechanics and colors in the share-tree, but I think I got it! I didn't quite understand the effect of all the stats on the memes though, and always picked the one with high virality... :o Since you didn't lose anything and gained fans to level up with, there was no risk, I believe.
The leveling system was also very intuitive! And the use of the theme was very well fitted. 👌🏻