Thank you for playing! Glad you liked. I feel like I could had polished a little more actually (changes in the dragon sprite, for example - this one is a sketch I made a while ago for a game I ended not finishing), but I ended focusing on another project.
Also... A trackpad! I really didn't expected anyone to play purely in mouse scheme with a trackpad XD. I ended introducing the mouse scheme because I wanted to make this game touch friendly and to make it possible to navigate the menus with the mouse. In the end it stuck as a way to play the game, as it feels just nice to play it using the mouse in junction with the keyboard.
Well, I will see what I can do... I think I will have to add a setting so that mobile players (if there is any) can change it back if they want. Though I guess it actually wouldn't interfere... I will experiment a little bit.
Again, thank you for playing, and stay strong, trackpad warrior!