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Our games have the same name!

Bah it doesn't matter :D  Yours is more of a maze anyway lol

I was gonna try to get to the end, but then I felt like I was going insane in a nightmare world of the same pole over and over again D: So I had to stop.  Cool and ever so slightly terrifying concept!


There are literally 3 games that are named "Mirror Maze" lol. I think the "maze" part is a bit misleading, maybe "labyrinth" would be a more fitting title

Yeah I noticed there was at least 1 other besides mine and this one.  It's not like a huge deal in this context though, for the most part these are just like learning/creative exercises :)   Still, there's still a moment of like "Aw man! My totally unoriginal name that I picked at the last second!" lol