This game has a lot going on which has the potential for pretty deep gameplay, but also makes it a little confusing, and none of the individual mechanics seemed like they had enough of a gameplay impact, or at least they didn’t have enough feedback for me as a player to see that.
You’ve got the cranking to speed up, ok… but that makes the hurdles not really matter, because as long as I kept cranking they didn’t really slow me down. Then there’s also cranking to pass the baton, which was nicely implemented, but it seemed weird having the crank do two different things (why am I waving the egg around to run faster?). Then there’s the UFOs… was I supposed to avoid them or get in them and destroy them? I couldn’t really tell. Did it ever matter which lane I was in? I’m not sure. It never seemed like I had much control over the gameplay except having to crank to keep my speed up (or jump, but I couldn’t tell if I was timing the jumps right) and pass the egg whenever it let me.
Was there actually something chasing me from behind? I don’t think I ever saw it or felt threatened by anything other than the timer to pass the egg.
Don’t take my criticism the wrong way; with some tweaking, all these mechanics could be put together in a really interesting and satisfying way, I just had a hard time seeing how it all fit together while playing it.