Very nice looking game! Art, UI Design (maybe the font a bit hard to read), SFX and Music were also very pleasing. The trajectories were helpful as long as there were not to many of them displayed (e.g. if the ship started spinning...). How did you realize this in Godot? Via the draw routine or Line2D?
Unfortunately, I could not get very far, since the turning mechanic was way to sensitive for me. After the first turn, it was impossible to stop the ship from spinning (either I would undershoot or overshoot the rotation I wanted; even with a extremely short key press, I could not make fine enough adjustments). This made it extremely hard to aim for e. g. the brown planet.
A note about technical stuff: The game is not playable with Chromium 107.X (it did not even load). Firefox 106.X and later worked fine, but the game could not be set to full-screen mode. I understand that this might be a design choice or due to the way how Godot Export -> web game import handles this (personal experience). On smaller screens, this wastes a lot of screen real estate and makes the game harder to play (your in-built zoom functionality reduces the problem though). Additionally, the support for larger screen resolutions (e. g. 1440p) can cause issues in that scenario if one uses Godot in 2D Mode (do not ask how I know... you could check my Honest Jam IV entry and HonestDan's stream...).