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This is somehow awesome :D Feels polished and totally bonkers.  Love how your character is your mouse cursor! I think that's a really cool concept that isn't used too often.

The game kinda crashed for me during the birdy part though? Right at the end when you click "embarrass" the mouse just became unresponsive in-game.


Hey thanks for playing! When you click on the embarrass it should let you type?

But shouldn't it have still let me leave?? 

Idk I can test this again later, at first I did accidently click on it while Mr. Smiley was still talking and originally froze for a minute, then he disappeared but I still couldn't get the cursor back? 


Hm weird. If you click escape it should bring the mouse back 100% of the times aswell.

Oh oops ok that works fine, I guess it just wasn't very obvious what to do there.

(I came back to finish this, love the ending!)

Tiny other bug I noticed if you do the bank second and activate the antivirus two of the little guys never seem to go away, they all turn translucent, but two of them just keep going.  If you do the birdy second this doesn't happen.  (Sorry I know, I notice bugs)