Hello, just wanted to leave a few suggestions and comments now that I've finished the game and had time to think things over. Feel free to ignore me if you want, to some extent I just had to get my thoughts out and my steam review wasn't really the perfect venue, it's already long enough and a lot of things are extremely minor or spoilery.
First, it would be nice if all the spirit pacts were grouped together in the add-ons list rather than spread out, would make swapping pacts smoother. More categorization among add-ons in general would be nice (gemstones and elemental rings?), but that's not as big a deal.
Also, it would be cool if at the start of the game you got the full list of portraits to pick from, it is supposed to be you, the player, so being limited to four choices like each tier 1 class is instead of having the full spread is a little disappointing. Even if I probably would have picked girl portrait #1 either way.
There were also a few things I have bouncing around in my head about the story and some spoilery things, so if you were curious, I put those in a pastebin. To avoid people spoiling themselves on literally everything, the password is the name of a certain chatty gimmick boss followed by the name of the true final boss, all lowercase, no spaces: https://pastebin.com/DZ1C0c3X
Anyway, feel free to take or leave or ignore any of this. Regardless, I really enjoyed this game, so thank you for making it.