Thank you for sharing your game. I’ve already saved its RATING;
1. verified: GAME due to appeared in SUBMISSIONS List, and has keyphrase: “CARD GAME”
2. observed: in MAIN GAME, using FULL-SCREEN MODE, “How to Play” button is only partly displayed; observed: self to opt to quickly verify GAMEPLAY, instead of use TIME to learn via the “How to Play” guide;
3. observed: no background music and sound effects added
4. verified: GAMEPLAY to be learnable via verifying enemy’s DEFENSE count during team’s ATTACK turn, and enemy’s ATTACK count during team’s DEFENSE turn, where: team’s CARD is chosen so that the ATTACK/DEFENSE value is greater than the enemy’s; observed: when team appeared to be near the WIN state, GAME did NOT anymore accept additional COMMANDS, besides viewing select CARDS;
5. observed: self shall continue IF CAN continue
Thank you. Health!