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Cute game! Loved the thriller dance.

My hot take is that not having jumping and enforcing the stealth elements more would have probably improved the game. Jumping over the bouncers was too easy and traversing the stairs was awkward. The hardest thing was to figure out how to go down the stairs.

Nice game, banger music. I just prefer more action-oriented games myself.

Thanks for playing! The stealth elements were originally intended to be a big part of it, but after the first week, I switched to a more relaxed gameplay. I just wanted to make something fun and not stress during development and I think that's why I switched directions.

And yeah, dropping through platforms was one of my disappointments. I should have went with the "hold down and press jump" to drop through. Really regret that one. Overall, I'm mostly satisfied with what I made, but there are things I think could be improved on.