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I always love to see interactive narrative experiences like this; somewhere between a game and short story. I'll be honest, my knowledge of Japanese culture is lacking so I'm sure there was a lot that I missed, and some stuff I struggled to follow, but not so much that I couldn't enjoy the story. The protagonist made me laugh a number of times and I enjoyed the story overall.

If I had any feedback, it would be to perhaps shorten the intro a bit and get to the detective stuff faster so long as that doesn't mess up the pacing too much. The gray text was also a little on the hard side to read, but I managed!

Thanks for the experience!


Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah, an actual Rakugo performance is often 30 minutes long; a 'short' rakugo is like ten minutes.  So trying to make a short one, that actually acted like a Rakugo, is one of the biggest challenges to any Rakugo Detective stuff.

And you are 100% right about the text coloring.  We tried a bunch of combinations of colored text, colored backgrounds for text, and that was what we finally threw our hands in the air and said 'we're going gold' with.  Definitely something I would have liked to do better and will concentrate on more the next time.