Wintercoffin does a great job of capturing The Elder Scrolls vibes, particularly of Daggerfall and Morrowind.
I first tried running the game on a Mac (Mac OS 10.11.4 El Capitan 64-bit from 2009). It crashed at launch, which is my usual experience on that machine, but it’s interesting to see a game that targets Macs of that era (though unfortunately not mine).
My experience with the Windows version was better. I ran it via Wine on Xubuntu as I do not have a Windows install, and (notwithstanding Wine’s handling of first-person games) it ran well. I played it for 15 minutes and did not find the fort. With the distractions of issues external to the game, what I got out of it was the atmosphere.
Small recommendations:
- Add adjustable mouse sensitivity
- Increase the tree LoD distance so they don’t morph into view
- Give the player a clear goal or quest from the start, even if it’s fake, just to send them in a direction
I would like to give the game a proper playthrough when I’m in the mood for a slow-paced experience because I know there is more to discover.