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Wintercoffin does a great job of capturing The Elder Scrolls vibes, particularly of Daggerfall and Morrowind.

I first tried running the game on a Mac (Mac OS 10.11.4 El Capitan 64-bit from 2009). It crashed at launch, which is my usual experience on that machine, but it’s interesting to see a game that targets Macs of that era (though unfortunately not mine).

My experience with the Windows version was better. I ran it via Wine on Xubuntu as I do not have a Windows install, and (notwithstanding Wine’s handling of first-person games) it ran well. I played it for 15 minutes and did not find the fort. With the distractions of issues external to the game, what I got out of it was the atmosphere.

Small recommendations:

  • Add adjustable mouse sensitivity
  • Increase the tree LoD distance so they don’t morph into view
  • Give the player a clear goal or quest from the start, even if it’s fake, just to send them in a direction

I would like to give the game a proper playthrough when I’m in the mood for a slow-paced experience because I know there is more to discover.

Hello there. I'm actually going to tidy it up a bit over Christmas period. I will try to add some new particle effects and hopefully fix those trees. I thought it would run on El Capitan?  I have only tested on Mountain Lion and Tiger (PPC). Thanks for the feedback 

I’m glad to hear the game will be updated. My Mac is Intel, so the access violation it was getting could stem from that. Not sure. Always happy to give feedback.