Hi, that sounds great! That should be Friday morning for me. Feel free to send me any other details (like meeting links, etc) on adam.ryncraft@gmail.com.
Hi Psychronic! I haven't gotten an email yet, so I'll just ask questions here and delete this post later. :)
1. What exactly is a blind review? I'm guessing from context that it's a review when you haven't played much of the game?
2. How am I going to log in and interact with your livestream? Just in the chat comments?
3. Is there anything else I should know about, in terms of how long you'll be reviewing, or things you might ask?
Thanks in advance!
Feel free to keep this question and post up, I'm happy to answer.
The "Blind Review thing" is a situation in which I'm trying to do reviews on my channel, but pretty raw. If I go into a game totally blind without looking at any of it at all, it might not be ready yet as a game or whatever, and I will try to weed that out.
As for your game, I saw all the comments on it, and I also saw there wasn't a lot of videos for it, and I played for 10 minutes, and already knew it was going to be good. So I want to do a review to get your game more noticed. I am a game developer as well, but I want to review hidden gems. I think your game fits the definition of hidden gem, but I will play your game on Thursday and find out.
Please like and subscribe to our channel as well so you can see our game too. But from seeing the basics of your game, I'm seeing the very fundamentals of RPG's in your game that need to be noticed by other makers of RPG's.
Thanks, I'll check that out! Also just throwing it out there, but Psychronic Games is also a Publisher (specializing in sci-fi games). If you want your game on Steam (and don't want to go through the trouble of setting it all up yourself), we would be willing to pay the Steam fee, and get the page up and running so your game is available on Steam too. Your game is excellent and definitely it should get out there to more places and I think more people would find your game as a result.
Since your game is free, we would put it up as a free game and would require absolutely nothing as far as fee or anything to do so.
What's in it for us? Well, with a number of projects under our belt, including games we've made ourselves, we want to be known for getting underrated hidden gems out to the world. Also in the future we're open to other forms of collaboration as well.
If not interested, no worries at all, just throwing it out there. Thanks again for making this game, it was a lot of fun!