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The difficulty! I’m not dying like crazy haha. This was fun, I liked the use of the theme and the exposition at the end. I was like, what’s the logic to this puzzle, and then figured it out. It wasn’t immediately clear, but it’s contained so not an issue.

I like simple graphics, it looks clean. Maybe use a different font and UI for presentation. Background music was nice, maybe some sound effects could be added. But the time frame was super short, it’s no biggie.

Good work!


Thanks. The difficultly comes with the level progression mechanic, although I didn't want to make things too complicated with the 5th and 6th levels because players may spend alot of time trying to solve it with the number of switches involved.

The font wasn't something I put too much consideration into given the time. As for sound effects, I contemplated adding them but given that I had half an hour left, I decided to skip it.