This game is a real joy to play. The story/theme is unique and very charming. Lot's of interesting dynamics between item properties, monster generation, damage and resistances. Tying health into time was also a neat twist that opened up a lot of strategic options. The UI is very well done with colors being tied to item type, monster type, damage type, etc. -- very easy to read at a glance.
The only thing that wasn't straightforward for me at first was monster damage since there is no message log for it, but after realizing that is was shown by the modifier next to the timer, I quite liked the simplicity of it. I'm still not quite sure how much "damage" the enemies deal or how the resistances impact that, so I'll have to pay attention to that next game.
I died at the last boss, but now that I understand the mechanics a little better I'm looking forward to giving it another shot! By the way, is confusion disabled for the final boss fight? I couldn't seem to get my paradox weapon to do its thing (even against the bugs).
Confusion effects seemed a little strong in general. Also being able to swap between equipped weapons at no penalty felt exploitable (wander around with a mythical weapon active for speed, swap to telepathic to occasionally to check for bugs at no cost, swap to damage-appropriate weapon for combat, etc.), but I have a feeling that you purposely balanced it like that (since it is somewhat restrictive by only allowing the player to equip one of each weapon type at once).
I think a nice QoL improvement would be able to hover over out-of-sight items that you've seen before and see the name. Since your inventory is small, you have to leave a lot of stuff on the ground, but due to how the synergies work sometimes you want to go back for an item which can be difficult if you don't remember what every item is. Another nice QoL feature would be some way to see what's on the ground in your vision without having to use the mouse. Every time you enter a new room you have to inspect any new items with the mouse. A list off to the side that displayed everything in sight would be pretty cool ;)
Thanks again, I had a lot of fun with this one. Definitely one of my favorites so far. Looking forward to seeing your next project :)