Thank you for the long review. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!
The monster damage question is a difficult one. At first, the modifier was displayed in the log but that made it far too spammy; that's why it's written in the "remaining time" frame. The combat system works as follows: most of the player's actions cost some time. The modifier (such as "+320s") is the time penalty of his next action, which gives the bugs more opportunities to attack the player.
In fact, this combat system is a snowball effect. The player attacks for 120s, and during this time bugs attack him 4 times, inflicting a 80s penalty. If the player attacks again, it costs him 200s, and during that time bugs attack him 6 times, inflicting 120s penalty. Etc. (I balanced the time penalty so this snowball effect can only happen if the player is attacked by several bugs at the same time.)
That made the game really punishing, so I put some limitations: the bugs can't attack more than 5 times between two player's actions. There is still a snowball effect, but it quickly hits a penalty ceiling. This ceiling is further reduced by the resistance. Resistance diminishes the bugs damage (you only take half damage with resistance = 9).
I don't know how to communicate efficiently this combat mechanics (and it's a shame, since it is probably one of the most prevailing ones).
You are right: confusion doesn't affect the last boss. I should certainly add a log message to highlight it (like I did for the hack). But confusion should affect the bugs invoked by the last boss (if not, I will fix it).
The free weapon change action is on purpose. It wasn't the case in an earlier version. There is a big difference in the game between a free action and a non-free action, since a free action doesn't suffer time penalty, which can get pretty high. I want the player to feel free to swap weapon depending on the situation (for example, basic weapons are useful when the player is overwhelmed). I might change it in the post-7DRL version: the balance is not perfect (I may nerf paradoxical weapons too).
I agree these two QoL features should be integrated in the post-7DRL version. :)