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Pretty fun, quirky game! Made me chuckle a few times, though the game was not just a gimmick, which was neat. The biggest room for improvement I think is the combat; the slow, close-range combat makes fighting less fun than I think it could be. Honestly I think just extending the range would go a long way. The other thing I'd look into is jumping. I'm not a fan of the way landing from a jump pauses your forward motion for a moment. All in all, great job. Fun entry. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Definitely valid criticisms, movement and combat are definitely 2 areas I should concentrate more on, as is usual for these jams I spent way too much time on the assets and world creation (and for some reason a midi sound engine I didn't end up using)... and not enough time getting the core mechanics nailed.

The wig originally was supposed to double as a longer range weapon, with the rope shorter range with the added shield ability, to add combat variety.. But I never really found (or made) the time to implement that or tune what I had.

Glad it made you chuckle, and thanks again for the playthrough. I'm hoping to release a post jam/new year update with some improvements to the gameplay, and your suggestions are really good!


Fwiw the attention to assets is definitely eye grabbing. So much personality.