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can i just say...pls stop uploading/updating this game on itch. it hasnt worked FOR YEARS now, its had the same crashing, unplayablity, glitchy mess of problems for..again YEARS! It doesnt matter if its being released for free, if its unplayable it shouldn't be released at all. Im sure if there was a report game option this "game" would have been taken down, off itch YEARS AGO.

(2 edits) (+11)(-1)

and getting down voted for the truth. Facts are Facts, game doesnt work, i went through this version myself (mac) and saw there wasn't a SINGLE executable, had to go through terminal and change ALL the files myself..guess still doesn't run.  


What do you mean there wasn't a single executable on mac? Thats how mac apps work they don't have an exe file they are a folder of files with .app as the folder extension

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Chmod +x is the terminal command to MAKE a file executable, so that terminal can run said file. I know its not an .exe FILE, but none of the files were set in this fashion cause the base files would tell Mac it can't run the app, compare this an older versions of this game they were already set. No need to go in and change every file to its proper extension. 

Make a file executable in Terminal on Mac

Shell scripts must be executable files in order to run. You can use the chmod command to indicate that the text file is executable (that is, its contents can be run as a shell script).

Unless the game is still running on 32 bit then you need to tell people who own mac that they physically cant play the game unless they have a specific OS.