Jason has a very backwards way of segmenting how he funds his studios. My friends working on Amorous 2 after I switched to BBS got paid $0. NOTHING because the game was not out yet. Meanwhile I was being paid for working on BBS. Thats not how a functioning game studio works. The devs on Skyrim 6 are not being asked to work for free while the studio has other projects already out and funded. So why does Jason pay some devs and not other? Who fricking knows
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Bruh. He just canceled the development of BBS a game that was in production for over a decade with a revolving door of developers because (news flash the developers weren't the problem) he never finished it and he's hoping yall forgot and suddenly jump on the Amorous 2 train even though the development for THIS NEW GAME started back in 2021
Are people finally getting the picture? or do you just enjoy watching money burn?
The problem is that you are using the iOS app. It works for android but there is a different port number for iOS which wasn't implemented correctly for the lovense release. This issue was fixed about 6-7 weeks ago but because of the delay of the update was not released at the time. when the next update goes live it should be fixed
I think this is a valid perspective. Making games is hard. and this is my first professional gig job where I was dropped into it and had to figure it out without direction by myself. I may have over reacted. I am merely trying to help people understand that I was given a rats nest of code to untangle. With which I have probably screwed up many times along the way
If the previous code which was objectively bad, unreadable, impossible to follow, not documented and with limited code comments was working, then what good would that be if no new features would have been possible to add. What would you suggest I should have done? I cant work with unreadable code if I dont have access to the person who created it for them to explain to me how it works.
It is clear to me that nothing I say will convince you that I am and have been working very hard and doing my best to resolve all problems and fix all of the bugs. I could if you prefer just ignore the comments instead of having to justify my job every 5 minutes to people. And then everyone will be upset that their comments are not being seen. But it would certainly be a lot less stressful on me. I am not a PR guy. I am not a people person. I write code. why do you think I work in software? If you feel that I have insulted other developers that was not my intention, but there is good and objectively bad code. And I have seen every textbook case of objectively bad code on this project.
The code I have written for the past 1.5 years (not 2) was built on top a rats nest of previously written code going back over 5 years. Don't blame the guy who was hired at the end to come in and build the roof for the house collapsing when the foundation was not done correctly. Had I known the state of the project when I first joined I would have advised scrapping the entire thing to start fresh. And then you would be in the complete right to blame the code on me. But the code which is causing issues is not mine. Its hard to read through, functions can be anywhere from 400 to 800 lines of code long to do something as simple as "take damage" and it is like wandering through a maze without direction trying to understand how some of it was intended to work as I can't ask the previous developers how or why they did something. Or what they were thinking
My guy I did not manually set the quality of the graphics based on the model of the video card used. Why would I do something that stupid? There is about 20,000 lines of code or more throughout the entire project and most of all pre existing code is indecipherable. And I dont have access to the previous developers to explain to me their thought process when they wrote it. and they left zero documentation or code comments to explain it either.
I might have found something based on the information provided there is a very large game manager script that exists in the intro. It appears that for graphics cards that contain the text "Intel" anywhere in their name, anti aliasing is disabled and the graphics quality is set to Good. Where graphics cards without the word "Intel" are set to Ultra quality and Anti Aliasing is enabled. Even more strange is that both Good and Ultra graphics quality use entirely different render pipelines. Frankly I don't know what idiot set this up or why different card manufactures are using completely different render pipelines. But I assume it was more than likely done incorrectly and so I will try commenting this out. And we will see in the next build if it solves everyone's problems.
I dont know if you realized there is currently a job opening as I am the one one left still working on the game. You are perfectly welcome to come help out since you seem to think this is an easy problem to solve. Instead you'd rather sit there slinging insults at the one person who's been trying to hold this entire thing together for nearly 2 years. If I were to quit there would be no one left working on the project. I'm sure things would get done super duper fast then.
I am not sure what to say. I am the only developer left on the project. Plus some new hires who just joined. The builds run on my machine and in the unity editor. On Jason's computer when he tests. I dont know why so many people are having performance issues. I dont know how to fix something that isn't broken for me. The game has plenty of bugs yes. Being unable to start is not one of them I have experienced.
Public version and Patreon are the same just content that is locked in public thats for Patreon members. Doing our best to improve the quality but its hard when most of the problems reported by the community we are not experiencing as the dev team. So I'm not sure how to fix a problem that I'm not getting. We are down to just 2 coders myself and another and neither one of us is experiencing the same major game breaks that are being reported.
Apologizes for this. Each month I try my best to include a culling of outdated and broken stuff from the project in addition to new features. There's about 40,000 files in total that comprise the entire thing. I can spend an entire 8 hour day removing outdated files after verifying they are no longer being used and only reduce the number of files in the project by 200 or so at a time.
Its certainly a systemic issue that has persisted as a result of things not being done correctly for years. I'm committed though to seeing the completion of the project through