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I play once and I really love the idea. It is war but from an unusual angle.

For me it has been a tougth play, everybody died one after the other. Mostly because the Jeep was destryed turn 2 (event #6).

Nonetheless, I have a couple of questions :

1. Where does the Medic starts? Player choice, random? If player choice, is he placed before or after the 1 event is placed?

2. First event : it is a Bleeding soldier, placed player choice. I was at the aid station and the bleeder in FH. I was so far away that I had no chance to rescue him. I would suggest for playability to have a Wnd at that stage.

3. How many assets can I used in one action?

4. Is there really only 1 stabilized marker? Meaning, if I left a stabilized casualty to take care of another, will he immediatly worthen during the End Turn?

I hope that help somehow ;)


(1 edit)

Thank you for giving it a go. Interesting points and one, the very first casualty, is often brought up.

1. Medic starts at the Aid Station as indicated in the initial setup instructions BUT I like the random idea as well. I am still undecided.

2. The first casualty, and I am still debating it with myself how to better represent it to immediately give the tone of the game, is meant to represent Cpl. Hoobler ( E Co. 506 IR ) self inflicted wound with the prize Belgian pistol he took from a german officer he shot. It cut his femoral artery and was a tragic death. 

3. One of each type can be used as long as its effect is adequate. Some assets can be used for both situations.

4. Yes you are totally right and I struggle with that myself. I will rearrange the counters and add at least two more.

Thank you for the input !

- Heth