In regards to your comment,
"Godot's GLES3 renderer requires OpenGL 3.3 apparently, and it looks like the HD 3000 chipset only supports 3.0 on Windows (it's 3.3 if you're on Linux or MacOS \o/ )." Being that I specialize more in hardware than software; even if I was using Linux or Mac, it's unlikely that it would run with OpenGL 3.3 anyway- as in most cases the limiting factor here would probably be that the integrated chipset doesn't have the hardware to support the use of newer protocols. For instance I know of a few lighting/shader issues it has. Just like in general most pre 2016 graphics cards have no support for vulkan. Only manufacturers that attempted to future-proof them were able to give them added functionality via v-bios updates because the underlying architecture was already there. Regardless I'm grateful for the help, & wish you the best!